Weather; Filter by category . << Syngenta was founded in 2000 and acquired by China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) in 2015. Discover Tylka F1 - The new Green House tomato on Growers and Buyers lips. Published 17 June 2020. Syngenta. Seeds. Pegasus is a new specialty, research based insecticide from Syngenta for the excellent control of whitefly nymphs and mites. 2 0 obj
We draw on a wealth of expertise and genetic material to develop the right seeds. All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission. View information on states, crops, pests, application rates and worker safety. Syngenta is a leader amongst the US agribusiness companies, with a portfolio including seeds, crop protection and flowers. COVID-19 Update . Le succès de notre entreprise repose en premier lieu sur les hommes et femmes qui y travaillent. Syngenta Canada Inc. 140 Research Lane, Research Park Guelph, Ontario N1G 4Z3 Telephone: 1-877-964-3682 Label . Loyalty Scheme. Explore the ways Syngenta is accelerating innovation in agriculture or search our career opportunities. filter /NonFullScreenPageMode /UseNone Seeds (56) Apply Seeds filter ; Feature. All hard copy catalogues are mailed throughout the year in time for the relevant ordering season. News. Ruhsatlı olduğu ürünler; Domates (tarla), Elma, Hıyar, Kayısı, Şekerpancarı. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Tylka F1 is a particularly good … Select your crop below for tailored application advice and nozzle recommendations. Good Growth Plan, kaynakların verimliliğini arttırmaya, ekosistemi korumaya ve kırsal... Detaylar için tıklayınız. Only a high-quality application onto the seed helps to ensure the desired in-˜eld performance, while the impact to the seed company’s plant operations should be minimal. <>
We are developing seeds that require less water and products that will allow crops to grow in dry conditions. 5�Հ%�#��O���ˋ��]���l�V��N_~���K�\��^���\bgK�����Mw\��a����ի�z}r�f�/�٧����+@�N^����p����Nj�B�y@��"�����7Ɩ�f�(d��|�eǚ4�+�"�^������=H���}�I���w���oY���l_C��ءK���me ��>�H���^���>���R /v8�. %PDF-1.7 4. File size 2.6MB PDF. %����
Home. Our Commitment to U.S. Agriculture. Nature hasn't stopped - Thank You from Syngenta Stay Connected and Healthy The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is creating unique challenges for everyone, both personally and professionally. Main Product Brand D escription. Learn more. filter Acarianul filocoptid al puieţilor de prun (Acuulus spp.) Stewardship. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. For more information: Visit, contact our Customer Interaction Centre at 1-87-SYNGENTA, or follow @SyngentaCanada on Twitter. Products. Summer & Autumn Guide 2020 . Rendement, qualité de fruit, résistance intermédiaire aux virus de la ©2020 Syngenta. File size 2.6MB PDF. Search for Syngenta product labels by brand, crop or pest. Le développement des talents et la créativité sont au cœur de notre culture. Chaque année de nouvelles variétés viennent étoffer une gamme de variétés référentes de courgette cylindrique verte mais aussi de variétés de diversification (courgette ronde, courgette longue jaune, courgette vert clair…). Les semences dotées du caractère LibertyLink® (LL) sont résistantes à l’herbicide glufosinate-ammonium, lequel peut remplacer le glyphosate dans le maïs. /ViewerPreferences << Visit Crop Protection. Approved APROVIA 31981 2019-11-27 Page 2 of 17 NOTICE TO USER This pest control product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the label. Brown Rust (7) Apply Brown Rust filter Cabbage root fly (1) Apply Cabbage root fly filter Cabbage stem flea beetle (7) Apply Cabbage stem flea beetle filter Carrot fly (6) Apply Carrot fly filter Carrot fly (2) Apply Carrot fly filter Caterpillars (7) Apply Caterpillars filter Caterpillars (2) Apply Caterpillars filter Cavity spot (Pythium spp.) 4 0 obj
It is specially made for vegetables. Bu yüzden satış hacminin % 10'undan fazlasını Ar-Ge yatırımlarına ayırmaktadır. %���� << Download. öngörülebilirlik. With a variety of fungicides, insecticides, plant growth regulators and herbicides, the Syngenta portfolio has something for every operation. Pour plus d'information : Visitez, communiquez avec notre Centre d'interaction avec la clientèle au 1-87-SYNGENTA, ou joignez @BonjourSyngenta sur Twitter. Syngenta is a global, science-based agtech company with 28,000 employees in 90 countries – find out everything you need to know at a glance. Marka Öykümüz. Good Growth Plan . Visit Crop Protection. Lire la suite. Title: Fiches techniques 2021 - … Syngenta on ways to improve the Products and/or Services. Syngenta. NEMATHORIN ® 150EC is the most efficacious environmentally friendly nematicide, providing reliable, cost - effective control of plant parasitic nematodes with good residual effect resulting in high yields and quality.. Broad spectrum long residual control of important nematode species. Le siège de Syngenta est situé à Bâle. Au Maroc, Syngenta propose, sous les marques S&G, NK, Dæhnfeldt et Ringot, une gamme complète de semences de avec des variétés adaptées aux besoins de chaque région marocaine. The 3D nozzle has proven highly effective in delivering better results from both pre- and post-emergence applications. Products. Accédez aux réponses offertes par la génétique Syngenta pour réaliser vos achats de semences. Syngenta offers a range of vegetable seeds that are bred according to latest market needs. Syngenta shall have the right to periodically audit and or benchmark the Products and/or Services of the Supplier as agreed in this Agreement and / or a SOW. Les semences dotées du caractère LibertyLink® (LL) sont résistantes à l’herbicide glufosinate-ammonium, lequel peut remplacer le glyphosate dans le maïs. La gamme de variétés de tomates de Syngenta est une large gamme qui inclut la tomate de serre pour la culture hors-sol et la tomate sous-abri pour la culture de plein champ : tomate grappe (avec nos variétés de référence en termes de rendement et de qualité), tomate cerise rouge, orange, jaune…, tomate ronde, tomate allongée, tomate côtelée. Product. Syngenta. We are developing new higher yielding seeds and better ways … >> Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. In all areas Syngenta invests in research and field development, manufacturing and supply, sales and marketing.. Syngenta is a leading player in the South African market with a dedicated, highly trained distribution network to ensure quality service to our customers. endobj
Crop Protection Homepage; Product Search; Seed Treatments; Herbicides; Insecticides; Fungicides; View All Products; Labels. 1. Check out the resources Syngenta offers for vegetable growing. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Taste - A sweet tomato is the pick for Buyers. The official website of Syngenta Canada Inc., offering integrated crop solutions to help Canadian growers produce robust yields and high-quality crops. 1 0 obj The activities of Syngenta in South Africa span across crop protection and sunflower and vegetable seeds. Crop Protection and Seeds. 199707386N. Quelle semence répondra le mieux aux caractéristiques de chaque parcelle en termes de précocité, de sensibilité aux maladies, de tolérance aux stress biotiques et abiotiques, de besoin des marchés ? Benefits. >> How to pick the right formulation for your tough ant infestation. Bize Ulaşın. Weather; Type . We’re transparent and want you to know what’s on your seed so you can confidently ask for a Syngenta seed treatment by name. stream Crop Protection. Fungicides prevent and cure diseases which can have adverse effects on crop yields and quality. Ltd. Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase 1. The trademarks displayed or otherwise used herein are trademarks or service marks of a Syngenta Group Company or third parties. The company is mostly involved in agricultural products deploying innovative research solutions to bring the plant potential to life. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Pour plus d'information : Visitez, communiquez avec notre Centre d'interaction avec la clientèle au 1-87-SYNGENTA, ou joignez @BonjourSyngenta sur Twitter. Seeds. Our products contribute to a safe and sustainable world and complies with regulations by government of India. Syngenta's Professional Solutions businesses offer a range of plant health solutions for professional turf managers, professional growers, professional pest managers and consumers. To address these challenges, Syngenta Seedcare offers an industry leading product portfolio based on its world-class research, product development and support capabilities. En plus de la rémunération convenue, Syngenta doit rembourser au Fournisseur les frais rai- sonnables (p. ex. (1) Apply Cavity spot (Pythium spp.) With over 145 products used in more than 200 crops in the U.S., Syngenta creates new products and mixtures to fight resistance, season after season. C'est là que se trouvent le comité exécutif et les fonctions de gestion, ainsi que les organisations pluridisciplinaires pour le secteur de la protection des cultures. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Lire la suite. %PDF-1.5
Insecticides help minimize this damage by controlling insect pests. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties. Title: Fiches techniques 2021 - … Syngenta Asia Pacific Pte. PRODUCTS APPLICATION SERVICES Beyond Seed Protection ™ Page 5 5 02 Application - In-depth advice and support in application technology A treated seed is the combination of genetics and seed-applied technologies. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Download. /PageMode /UseNone /FitWindow true <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.56 843] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Syngenta is committed to research into the latest application techniques in order to provide valuable advice to help you get the best out from our products. 3 0 obj
Operation pollinator. Syngenta doit payer au Fournisseur la rémunération convenue dans le CDC correspondant. La gamme de variétés de courgette Syngenta est largement reconnue sur le marché. >> Our products contribute to a safe and sustainable world and complies with regulations by government of India. Fungicides Featured Products: A list of seed, seed treatment, herbicide, fungicide and insecticide brands provide by Syngenta Canada. Tweets by @SyngentaCropsUK. It has unique water soluble packaging made for accuracy in dosage and user safety. endobj /Type /Catalog Rémunération 4.1. 3.4. Syngenta plays a critical role in harnessing the power of plants to meet these challenges. We call it a three-pillar offer P.A.S. (Products – Application – Services) which delivers value to … Syngenta, 90'dan fazla ülkede hedeflerimize ulaşmak için çalışan yaklaşık 28.000 kişi ile 5000'den fazla … Syngenta, yenilikçi araştırma ve teknolojiler yoluyla sürdürülebilir tarıma kendini adamıştır. Through empowering farmers to make good use of available resources, Syngenta Kenya has improved food quality and security. Application. Acuron is a Restricted Use Pesticide. Ltd. whose registered office is located at No. PestPartners 365 from Syngenta is the easy way to save in 2021 As part of its commitment to help pest management professionals (PMPs) grow their businesses with simple solutions, Syngenta has launched its 2021 PestPartners℠ 365 Program. Good Growth Plan. Our scientists accelerate innovation to bring farmers safe and sustainable new products, … You are here. Şirketimiz hakkında. Syngenta India Ltd . All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission. endobj
Syngenta. Varieties. /Filter [ /FlateDecode ] Acarianul ciclamei (Phytonemus pallidus) (1) Apply Acarianul ciclamei (Phytonemus pallidus) filter Acarianul comun (Tetranychus urticae) (2) Apply Acarianul comun (Tetranychus urticae) filter Acarianul filocoptid al mărului (Acuulus sp.) Version imprimable PDF version. x. Download PDFs. Stein. Crop Support. /Length 4399 1 0 obj
Products. Interpretation and Definitions 1.1 In these Conditions: ‘BUYER’ means Syngenta Asia Pacific Pte. Crop Protection. Échelle de 1 à 9 : 1 = le meilleur, le plus haut ou le plus grand; 9 = le pire, le plus court ou le plus petit; (-) = aucune donnée. With over 145 products used in more than 200 crops in the U.S., Syngenta creates new products and mixtures to fight resistance, season after season. The trademarks or service marks displayed or otherwise used herein are the property of a Syngenta Group Company. Syngenta provides an update on the current measures to manage the impacts of COVID-19... Find out more. /PageLayout /SinglePage Syngenta provides innovative tools to help increases crop production. Syngenta has a wide range of crop protection products for our Indian farmers , in every category Fungicides, Pesticides, Insecticides, herbicides , Seedcare treatment. Le centre de recherche de Stein compte parmi les 3 sites les plus importants de Syngenta en Recherche et Développement. x��}[�]������x�m�~� $N'� ��;�%���-������Y\w�A8���\�bY�z��o�}��������/^��o�����/�?��~���Û?���/��ݿ�Y����\��;��ņ;k.��}x��g��w�>�� Ja�˯>��կ�]��p�շ�f�L�����R\�m��t����o���������w��r��7�����/�t������l�������b��q���)�"ܛ��}a�}⿴?����HX�/!��S������~�A>��g�T�DD�7�����}x�_?�}j����3�\��3^0��wm
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Label & SDS Search; Special Labels Search ; Postharvest MRLs; Indemnified Labels . Below, you can also view or download the digital catalogues. The main markets are fruit and vegetables, cereals and rice Plant diseases are caused by … Lire la suite. Fungicides; Herbicides; PGRs; Insecticides; Nematicides; Adjuvants; Seed treatments; Application; Technical Updates; Weather; Home; Search; Ireland. endobj
Météo agricole; Pourquoi rejoindre Syngenta ? Title: Fiches techniques 2021 - … Syngenta has a wide range of crop protection products for our Indian farmers , in every category Fungicides, Pesticides, Insecticides, herbicides , Seedcare treatment. Our Commitment to U.S. Agriculture. Ürünlerimiz. The largest crop markets affected by insects are in fruit and vegetables, cotton, rice and corn. Amar Paradigm, Survey # 110/11/3, Baner Road, Baner Pune-411045, Maharashtra, India Contact Tel + 020-30699200 Fax + 020-30699480 ©2020 Syngenta. 08/20/2020. 30.07.2014. Discover Syngenta Flowers' full assortment, new collection and crops related catalogues. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Syngenta séléctionne, produit et commercialise une gamme large de semences de qualité supérieure. Syngenta a le droit de demander au Fournisseur de lui fournir un extrait du casier judiciaire suisse (ou registre étranger équivalent) du Personnel du Fournisseur si Syngenta l'estime né- cessaire pour leur permettre l’accès au site ou aux systèmes informatiques de Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Learn about the features and benefits of all products in the Syngenta Professional Pest Management (PPM) portfolio. <>>>
Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration status. You can count on us for reliability, disease resistance and high yields. 201, comuna de Las Condes, Santiago de Chile, República de Chile. Syngenta Vietnam Ltd Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase . Customer: SYNGENTA, calle Vitacura 2939 Of. 3.6. �YIyh�'uN�4�묬�j�{rR�Bq0#:��y���W�#���_�q�)�p� J�e9)�%�h4ݍ��̅��D8�e%}pY�;R���r^(�F��Qu�V�p'��O�hAxA軫dz��E^�\�� �{
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(2) Apply Acarianul filocoptid al mărului (Acuulus sp.) Crop protection (28) Apply Crop protection filter ; Treatment. Products. About Syngenta . Along these brochures, you access our full range of seed- and cutting-raised varieties, including: Seed-raised pot plants, annuals and perennials, from traditional favorites to specialty novelties Échelle de 1 à 9 : 1 = le meilleur, le plus haut ou le plus grand; 9 = le pire, le plus court ou le plus petit; (-) = aucune donnée. Tüm raporu görünüz . Download. For use until 30 April 2021. Meyve ve sebzede ruhsatlı çok yönlü fungisit. Insects like caterpillars and aphids can significantly reduce crop yields and quality. Search our full list of ornamental products below. Syngenta is one of the leading agricultural companies in the world. 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