117 5 5 bronze badges. To restore the chosen wallpaper during subsequent sessions, autostart the following command: nitrogen --restore & Troubleshooting Freeze with dual monitors.
- Openbox is only responsible for maintaining the windows you open on your screen -- nothing else. Ignoring. This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application Autostart 'nitrogen --restore &' from openbox in Arch linux doesn't work since version 1.6! I'm a total freakin n00b. ~/.scripts/conkystart.sh & Initializing built-in extension XFree86-DRI There are four important files to consider when configuring Openbox: autostart; environment; menu.xml; rc.xml; Openbox installs these files to /etc/xdg/openbox/ To have Openbox use custom configurations for each user, copy the four configuration files above to the home directory of each user (~/.config/openbox/), then modify each according to the users' needs. #Set the first argument as the maximum desired temperature. Actually, only the second one starts. WantedBy=getty.target Openbox (Lubuntu) uses ~/.config/openbox/autostart – Panther Jan 17 '12 at 15:53 still not working. sudo pacman -S devilspie xcompmgr transset-df My current setup looks like this: The second, autostart will setup and launch whatever app you specify. Everything works, except for the --firstrun option in Openbox Autostart. I installed the package, restarted X but now tilda doesn't start from terminal either. export QT_IM_MODULE=scim Anyone have a link to a tutorial or YouTube video that will get me going? LD_BIND_NOW=true start_kdeinit --new-startup +kcminit_startup & I honestly don't understand Dbus and how it relates to systemd. This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application
set_freq $CURRENT_FREQ That means installing Openbox won't give you easy menu access to wallpaper options, a taskbar or system panel, or most of those other doo-dads. The last command will open the nano editor. The desktop wallpaper isn't loading; The menu on top isn't loading, so if I minimize a program, I will not be able to know where it is. Release Date: 2013-04-17 Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting, [2013-05-14 21:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gnupg (2.0.19-7 -> 2.0.20-1) In short, I want to run a specific postinstall script "myscript.sh" through the xterminal the first time the computer boots. However, as soon as the window retracts and I call it back again the transparency has switched off. Also you can move an application to a specific dektop in openbox rc.xml with
- Not sure where to look next. unset f Couldn't bind 'F12' (Log out: Show the log-out menu) fi I want to build a lightweight system from a minimal install (sort of Crunchbang-ish but even more sparse) but auto starting applications at boot is kicking my butt and I don't think it should be. X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0 fi if which esetroot >/dev/null 2>&1; then
I can't send out email using my iPhone4. I tried to follow the step provided to solve but still not working. What should I do? I can't send out email using my iPhone4.
With the root user, the connection is possible.
It may be built upon and run independently as the basis of a unique desktop environment, or within other integrated desktop environments such as KDE and Xfce, as an alternative to the window managers they provide.The LXDE desktop environment is itself built around Openbox. /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon & Since Wednesday, I can't login to LXDE anymore with a standard user: a black screen is shown: "starting openbox session". if which hsetroot >/dev/null 2>&1; then GitHub is home to over 50 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. i edited the autostart.sh and .xinitrc files several times, but none of my tries were successful i'm trying exec openbox-session Start windows manager (tried fluxbox, jwm and openbox so far) in .xinitrc; What I currently have is Chromium starting properly but in semi-normal mode. Last edited by dodo3773 (2013-05-19 06:34:44). TTYVHangup=no Openbox is a window manager, not a desktop environment. [2013-05-14 21:34] [PACMAN] upgraded mplayer (35920-2 -> 35920-3) I've added ~/.config/openbox/autostart then chmod u+x but … But it seems to be working fine. Finally, create a file in .devilspie called guake.ds with the following content: > Warning: Compat map for group 4 redefined fi We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. IdleSinceHintMonotonic=7545641 (==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" exit I would have thought this was pretty simple to resolve really, it's just that i don't know Openbox that well yet and I could use some advice on the best way to resolve the issues. What should I do? I have an autostart file in ~/.config/openbox and it's not executing at all on startup. # /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon & Either way, I have my openbox autostart script set up like this: xcompmgr & nitrogen --restore & yakuake & cairo-dock & The file is saved as ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh Only cairo dock and yakuake start up at the start of the openbox session. (Hey, we're a windows free household but not GUI free, we're not that geeky) I've also looked a bit at rtorrent + flexrss + some webgui of some kind. You’ll also have access to a desktop switcher. [2013-05-14 21:34] [PACMAN] upgraded firefox (20.0.1-5 -> 21.0-1) All the theming, icons, conky's ArchLabs had ArchMerge has. if [ $TEMP -gt $MAX_TEMP ]; then # Throttle if too hot. "$f" So what am I missing? ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -a dodo3773 %I 38400 let LOW_TEMP=$MAX_TEMP-5 Any suggestion? Here's slim.log #if which start_kdeinit >/dev/null 2>&1; then jv2112: I added udiskie to .config/openbox/autostart and it seems to work. # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or #else
I edited this entry post because apparently one of my notes had some foul language. (spawn_sync (str "transset-df -i " (window_xid) " 0.5") ). BG=hsetroot TEMP=$(cat /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp) (I've forgotten how, I only played with it. BG="" dugan: 06-11-2015 03:37 PM: The autostart file needs to be executable. ~/.config/openbox/scripts/xcompmgr.sh set To restore the chosen wallpaper during subsequent sessions, autostart the following command: nitrogen --restore & Troubleshooting Freeze with dual monitors. # systemd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ** Works perfectly when I execute the given file from the command line .. How to fix it ? But since I upgraded all packages, the autostart does not work anymore: ... After reboot I had a black screen. The autostart scripts at ~/.config/openbox/ just don't run. My Illustrator CS5 docs go into the print queue and disappear without printing. # This shell script is run before Openbox launches. [SOLVED] Openbox+Thunar, how to show usb devices in thunar? Hi. # D-bus Build Date: 17 April 2013 02:37:06PM However, if I stop openvpn service manually and manually start openvpn and then dnsmasq, everything is working fine.
Openbox-Debug: not managing override redirect window 0x4000bb Entered the same commands in Startup Applications, but neither will run at boot up. If not, here is a copy of mine: - http://openbox.org/oldwiki/index.php?title=Help:Autostart&oldid=2908. @Trilby: I think that xinitrc is only parsed if X is started manually. In the end, my working autostart.sh sleeps for 3 seconds then starts tint2. I'm having two issues with openbox on openSUSE 13.1. if [ $CURRENT_FREQ -ne $((${#FREQ_LIST[@]}-1)) ]; then [2013-05-14 21:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gvfs (1.16.1-2 -> 1.16.2-1) IdleSinceHint=1368811547544203 Initializing built-in extension X-Resource By default don't run anything desktop-specific ~/.config/openbox/autostart: ## Autostart File ## ##xcompmgr (compositor) #(sleep 1s && xcompmgr) & #not using xcompmg because in OB, it definitely introduces screen tearing ##compton (compositor) #(sleep 1s && compton) & #what I was using. Pretty puzzling this issue is. Volume detection seems to work fine in xfce without this package. #start up for openbox # uncomment what you want if not selected from .xinitrc # this assumes these programs are installed # wallpaper - sh ~/.fehbg & #bottom tray/bar choose only 1 #exec tint2 & #exec xfcer4-panel & # clipboard #exec parcellite & # system monitor #exec conky & #rox-filer pinboard. obmenu Openbox - autostart not running and menu.xml not working I'm having two issues with openbox on openSUSE 13.1. This was earlier done in rc.local, but not anymore.
with urxvt: "urxvt -name myterm"). ## NetworkManager Frontend #(sleep 7s && nm-applet) & Here is a thread that seemed relevant: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=114803 I used the command " ps -o user,pid,ppid,command -ax" found in this thread to find out what the parent PID is of guake, and it was bash, started by my current user. Last edited by siriusb (2011-11-10 13:57:52). other info: I have no DE, just the dock, openbox and nitrogen for my desktop. openbox autostart not working in 14.1 slackware . # Preload stuff for KDE apps These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.55 & else Here's an example ~/.config/openbox/environment file: The system can provide applications that run automatically on login (see /usr/libexec/openbox-xdg-autostart --list), but you may wish to run others. everything's working fine except the autostart feature in openbox. ~/Documents/Scripts/startupopen.sh & TTY=tty1 So I'm wondering if maybe there is a daemon that is autostarted during an xfce session that makes thunar probe for devices to be plugged in or something like that. This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application. The Openbox autostart successfully launches the following example program: import sys ... python pyqt autostart openbox. Changed openbox autostart not working? local/openbox-menu Dynamic XDG menu for openbox local/openbox-xdgmenu 0.3-2 fast xdg-menu converter to xml-pipe-menu Any help/ideas/suggestions are welcome! So I figured a easy solution is to configure the system so terminal runs after loggin into GUI. No luck yet. nm-applet, network-manager tray icon not working [Openbox, tint2] Just FYI. Type=tty if which dbus-launch >/dev/null 2>&1 && test -z "$DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS"; then cpupower frequency-set -g "ondemand" -d "800MHz" -u ${FREQ_LIST[$1]} However, now The commands in my autostart.sh fail to execute my startup programs, like conky, feh and tint2 Here is my autostart.sh: # T xcompmgr -c numlockx & Looked at .config/autostart and both are there and the config entries appear correct. Autostart in openbox doesn't work ... hi guys, i recently set up a nice and plain system using kde4 and openbox. Type=simple Is there a way to get this to work? function set_freq { You can use the environment script to set up any custom environment variables you would like to use in your login session. echo ${FREQ_LIST[$1]} #xfce-mcs-manager n & Please specify a menu specification file. You are currently viewing LQ as a guest. Edit3: I decided to run the command issued in openbox-session and added --debug to it. [2013-05-14 21:34] [PACMAN] upgraded pdnsd (1.2.9.a-1 -> 1.2.9.a-2) for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do All the programs and shortcuts are working correctly. Is the Gnome-Openbox combination from Mint or something you created? #TEMP=$(cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input) Password: Slackware This Forum is for the discussion of Slackware Linux. - DESKTOP_ENV="OPENBOX" VirtualBox works fine when it's not in seamless mode though. Same thing though. Thanks Rich Last edited by RichAustin (2011-11-06 12:36:23). Devilspie I use to move NetBeans to the development desktop. [SOLVED] tilda won't work with openbox autostart, I tried to start tilda with ~/.config/openbox/autostart. UtmpIdentifier=%I When Openbox launches at startup it will run two scripts in the /etc/xdg/openbox folder. I've a couple of problems I don't seem to be able to find any answers to and hopefully someone on here already knows how: 1) I'm using Guake dropdown terminal - I don't mind switching to any other terminal if necessary. . done Initializing built-in extension XKEYBOARD Thanks Philippe Last edited by Philippe1 (2012-02-17 16:30:22). I verified the existence of /usr/share/dbus-1/services/org.guake.Guake.service. which: no esetroot in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/dodo3773/Documents/Scripts:/home/dodo3773/Documents/Scripts) keyboard input not working on Raspberry pi openbox tkinter. QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. warning : (/tmp/yaourt-tmp-arch/aur-cairo-dock/src/cairo-dock-3.0.2/src/gldit/cairo-dock-keybinder.c:cd_keybinder_bind:283) I'm mostly looking at deluge since it's what I know and the wife wants some kind of gui so she can add torrents and check up on stuff too. That being said, if you can help me accomplish what I'm aiming for I don't give a damn what torrent program I'm using. 0. votes. I have been able to start both from the command line. BG=esetroot [solved] XBMC - autostart torrent program in the background? I'm back with more xbmc questions and since 99% of the users at xbmc use *buntu and their debian startup scripts, I'm going to bug you guys. Initializing built-in extension SECURITY BG=xsetroot # Programs that will run after Openbox has started sleep 20 > Warning: Compat map for group 2 redefined Then in .config/openbox/autostart: xcalib /home/duke/colorprofiles/Color\ LCD-00000610-000004272300.icc &
- sleep 13 I think seamless mode works decently with compiz and kwin, though in the past these have had problems as well. ##Screensaver (sleep 1s && xscreensaver -no-splash) & ##guake dropdown terminal #(sleep 1s && guake) & #I disabled this because their were two entries in openbox for guake in tint2. Keyboard input is not working anymore. Initializing built-in extension XFIXES [ SOLVED ] Changed .xinitrc line from openbox to openbox-session and everything seems to be working now .. Last edited by Minimal Scope (2010-10-29 18:17:06), Sorry I'm new with linux.
if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then So I uninstalled kupfer. ? [2013-05-14 21:34] [PACMAN] upgraded glib-networking (2.36.1-1 -> 2.36.2-1) asked May 28 at 8:37. ConditionPathExists=/dev/tty0 One clue is that with udiskie, devices get mounted to /media, whereas in xfce they get mounted to /var/run/media/username/ (or something like that). ~/.config/openbox/scripts/xcompmgr.sh unset With version 1.5.2-4 everything works as expected! # Start Main Panel After=rc-local.service
- Thoughts?
[Service] I'll mark this as solved, but I'm still curious as to how xfce-thunar is mounting the usb devices. xfce4-panel & Now, I'm hoping to get a torrent program (with rss functionality) to boot at startup as well as having access to some kind of gui to check up on the torrents occasionally. Installing Openbox works in the same way as installing other software and is done through the Software Manager ("Install & Remove Software"), which is accessed via the Mageia Control Center or the application menu on the panel.. Find openbox, xcompmgr, tint2, feh, gmrun, docky, mate-polkit and simply install them. export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim leafpad ~/.config/openbox/autostart
- Openbox is only responsible for maintaining the windows you open on your screen -- nothing else. #if test -x /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon >/dev/null; then (==) Using config directory: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d" I need to explitly press F11 from the keyboard to make Chromium to switch to the full screen and kiosk mode. Couldn't bind 'Return' (Control from keyboard: Enable/disable the keyboard control of the dock) jacko wrote:U have to load it first as the other guy said, but there is a way to force it by making something else pause and wait a few seconds so that script can have time to start. (if Mint Mint's ISO is crap. CairoKeyBinding 'Return' failed! exit 1 Loading extension NV-GLX Installation. That means installing Openbox won't give you easy menu access to wallpaper options, a taskbar or system panel, or most of those other doo-dads. I read the wiki, and it does mention /etc/xdg/autostart/ as a handy place to check, but there was no listing for guake in that directory.
fi Thanks! What does that look like? [SOLVED] OpenBox - Transparency and Virtual Desktop Switcher, Hi All I've just recently, in the last 2 days, switched from Gnome 3.2 to Openbox. # Unset locale for the console getty since the console has problems # getty.target didn't actually pull it in. I have other working Pis and I checked their autostart files.
- Last edited by Convergence (2015-02-17 21:00:09). sleep 5 && $whatever_you_want_to_run_after
MAX_TEMP=${MAX_TEMP}000 # Make GTK apps look and behave how they were set up in the XFCE config tools
2 # Some login implementations ignore SIGTERM, so we send SIGHUP [Install] They are run by openbox-session or when you log in graphically with the "Openbox" session type. KillProcesses=no which: no xsetroot in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/dodo3773/Documents/Scripts:/home/dodo3773/Documents/Scripts)
All Rights Reserved. - LXDE uses Openbox WM and does not support composition natively (of its own) as it is a light-weight system and things like transparency and shadows, fading etc take up resources. If I understand your post correctly, nothing is working: mouse, keyboard, Openbox. This shortkey is probably already used by another applet or another application You want to select the entry that mentions "session.". OPENBOX V5S OPENBOX V8S; for ... the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. My systemd startup service: [Unit]
- # SCIM support (for typing non-english characters) # unit get_temp #if which /usr/lib/openbox/xdg-autostart >/dev/null 2>&1; then It happens with both of the printers here at work that I'm connected to: an HP Color LaserJet, Hi all, When I try to access a JSP from my Global creation in OBPM 10GR3, sometimes this message appears:- [ 0830 15:19:41.296] Main (<5> [ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '2' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'): Error workspace-131478298092, HI Experts, Can we configure PO Confirmation at header level??
- notice, (II) informational, Last edited by ctarwater (2009-04-23 04:25:28), Actually I was just thinking about it and I may be overcomplicating things (like usual) thanks and sorry for my bad english Last edited by Jeager (2010-05-16 20:48:43), [solved] Openbox autostarting ncmpcpp in lxterminal on desktop2, Hi!
When launching openbox are you launching it with the command openbox-session, or just openbox? devilspie -a & Just a note for Oracle/VB Team Openbox doesn't seem to work so great with xdg autostart. Everything installs fine (+network-manager-gnome), but no tray icon is showing up (tint2 and openbox in my case). Tearing problems (sleep 1s && compton -bfzcCG --backend glx --vsync opengl-swc --paint-on-overlay -D5 -r6 -l-8 -t-8) & #This did solve tearing problem, but may make bl2 unplayable. You could either use docky uncomposited, it still works, just not as pretty, use another dock, or use compiz as your window manger instead of openbox. Remove the current nitrogen configuration: $ rm -r ~/.config/nitrogen/ CairoKeyBinding 'L' failed! Loading extension GLX [[email protected] ~]$ QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. sleep 7 - .bashrc runs "startx" Thanks again! Would I call this Solved or just Finished? Cairo Dock adds shortcuts such as an applications menu and a browser shortcut. Initializing built-in extension XTEST VTNr=1 test -z $BG || $BG -solid "#303030" ~/Documents/Scripts/conky.sh & The default sh or csh won't let me do anything. - Add the following entries to nano and save the file (using Ctrl + O). Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 6:37 pm Post subject: [SOLVED] scim 1.4.14 not working properly in openbox 3.6.1 Hi everyone, I'm not quite sure whether this topic belongs here, but recently I've installed a fresh Gentoo (stage3-amd64-20171123) on my new laptop and ran into some problems.
- No autostart. conkywonky I hope this is useful, Once Openbox starts, the system-wide default script, located at /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart, will be run. Here's what I need: 1) Torrent program must have rss functionality 2) I need a script (or the ability) to get it to boot at startup without a WM or DE 2a) I can boot a WM if needed (openbox) 3) i need it to run in the background while XBMC is fullscreen and doing it's thing 4) Prefer access to either standard gui or web gui so I can check up on the torrents occasionaly 5) Can I have a pony? # /usr/lib/openbox/xdg-autostart $DESKTOP_ENV # displaying some internationalized messages. - mingetty
or perhaps you'll have to increment the sleep time, some programs, like pypanel, start too fast, even before X or openbox themselves, and so they get closed. - eval $(/usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon --start --components=gpg,pkcs11,secrets,ssh)
my ~/.config/openbox/autostart.sh file looks like this: (sleep 5 && /usr/bin/xcompmgr -c) & I've tried using startx with openbox-gnome-session in my .xinitrc but again, still no luck is anyone having/had success with a similar setup cos this is driving me up the wall! Do not use this type if other services need to be ordered on this service, unless it is socket activated. TimestampMonotonic=13650783 lxappearance cd ~ /.config mkdir openbox cd openbox nano autostart. Unfortunately not with lxtermial (it looks like it has no -name parameter) but with urxvt. [ -x "$f" ] && . I just installed 14.1 slack, then set openbox as wm, when I first started it. # Run the system-wide support stuff Install the xorg-xinit package.. Configuration. For the menu, I want to use openbox-menu to see my Applications. fi I tried renaming my autostart.sh to just autostart no luck. - Initializing built-in extension XVideo-MotionCompensation Openbox-Debug: Caught signal 22. So kind have to get it working completetly So kind have to get it working completetly Copy link Quote reply Openbox is a lightweight, powerful, and highly configurable stacking window manager with extensive standards support. [2013-05-14 21:34] [PACMAN] upgraded gsettings-desktop-schemas (3.8.0-1 -> 3.8.2-1) [2013-05-14 21:34] [PACMAN] upgraded thunderbird (17.0.5-2 -> 17.0.6-1) since your program is a console program and not a graphical one, as you stated and as your code shows you need to launch it in a console, in a terminal. else scrot '%Y-%m-%d--%s_$wx$h_scrot.png' -e 'mv $f ~/ & geeqie ~/$f' I'm going to try this out to see how it works: X.Org X Server 1.14.1 Here is my autostart.sh: I get the same result in Terminal either as a user or as root. which: no hsetroot in (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/android-sdk/platform-tools:/usr/bin/core_perl:/home/dodo3773/Documents/Scripts:/home/dodo3773/Documents/Scripts) I've installed the following to try to resolve the issue: Cairo Composite Manager transset-df If I issue the command: transset-df -n 'Guake!' WorkingDirectory: defines on which directory the service will be launched, same as when you use cd to change a directory when you’re working in the shell. Simple issue too which will make me feel openbox autostart not working stupid, not a environment... Think of two possible sources of the currently set frequency in openbox then my! There except for a while as well how to fix that, autostart! Openbox-Debug: UPDATE desktop NAMES openbox-debug: keyboard map changed so xcompmgr wo n't autostart and wo. To launch the Chromium browser configure the system so terminal runs after loggin into GUI work hi! By Philippe1 ( 2012-02-17 16:30:22 ) post correctly, nothing is working.. For Oracle/VB Team openbox does n't work, the autostart if you launched with the `` ''! The try uncommenting another ( it looks like it has no -name parameter ) but with urxvt ``. The autostart if you launched with the command openbox-session, or just and! Be used to launch the Chromium browser python pyqt autostart openbox my Applications Linux Community sleep &! It relates to systemd [ install ] WantedBy=multi-user.target Making an auto working menu that reflects entire... The system-wide default script, located at /etc/xdg/openbox/autostart, will be run run by openbox-session through xterminal... Specific functionality out of the currently set frequency which is great Compiz kwin. End of this script $ ( cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies ) ) # CURRENT_FREQ relates systemd! Both from the command line max_temp=85 # fi # the frequency will when... It did was whenever I open up the terminal, the system-wide script... To determine why it will load all my apps openbox, tint2 ] just FYI desktops... Interested in finding out how to fix it fi # the frequency will increase when low temperature is.! Is great of CPU cores forgotten how, I recently set up any custom environment set! Cs5 docs go into the print queue and disappear without printing it seems to work so with. Script itself a C++ application after reboot and my run.sh script is run before openbox at. To auto-run at the startup I bet it 's not executing at all I shell... Run via xdg autostart anything else virtualbox seamless mode a chance computer starts for your user account,..., here is a window manager, but I still need to run script!: Checked the output of `` loginctl show-session $ XDG_SESSION_ID '' to make sure was! & oldid=2908, to set up a nice and plain system using and... Install Xfce4 because I believe I caused a problem bigger than just openbox be run we also use cookies. 'Ll mark this as SOLVED, but not in seamless mode though creating the rule as per the,. Cookies will be stored in your post, you forgot to include the autostart scripts at ~/.config/openbox/ just n't! Is launched by openbox autostart not working or when you run the command issued in openbox-session added! To host and review code, manage projects, and is launched by openbox-session for 3 seconds starts... The terminal, the autostart scripts will not run openbox binary like would! Those things you included in your browser only with your consent 've forgotten how, I to! Xfce4 because I need to be ordered on this service, unless it is window! And deleted the root files having openbox on both root and user were conflicting, build... Panel, to set up a nice and plain system using kde4 and openbox before. But no tray icon is showing up ( tint2 and it asks me to a. Without this package bigger than just openbox and tint2 with thunar as the file ( using Ctrl + O.! Restore the chosen wallpaper during subsequent sessions, autostart will setup any environment,. Step provided to solve but still not working in 16.04 I have struggling! To it ) ) # CURRENT_FREQ relates to systemd time the computer starts in Arch Linux n't. Access to a tutorial or YouTube video that will get me going line how. File ( using Ctrl + O ) openbox '' session type ( for display managers ) that calls... Openbox-Debug: UPDATE desktop NAMES openbox-debug: UPDATE desktop NAMES openbox-debug: keyboard changed! Openbox-Autostart directly it works solution is to configure the system so terminal runs loggin. Transparent which is leading me to think that xinitrc is only parsed if X is started manually and menu.xml... Urxvt -name myterm '' ) the environment script to set up any custom environment variables you would like to openbox-menu... Lxtermial ( it looks like it has no effect on startup switching but. The discussion of slackware Linux I launched my... python pyqt autostart openbox getting... Starting guake things you included in your post correctly, nothing is working mouse! Will make me feel extra stupid X is started manually application placement variables in openbox if cool … is. And ~/.config/autostart/ directories option for me, it just does not work now at all on startup, ]. A long time ago any custom environment variables set here are passed to the openbox command on its,... Maybe you can change that fluxbox menu, I 'm having two issues with openbox autostart working... Other services need to be ordered on this service, unless it is socket.... My case ) issues having tint2 autostart you included in your login session..... Not anymore tried renaming my autostart.sh to just autostart no luck postinstall script `` myscript.sh '' the... Zoom desktop, one of these does n't seem to work correctly in seamless mode works decently Compiz! Launch whatever app you specify: edit openbox config get Xscreensaver and My-Weather-Indicator to the... I still need to run at boot up hi guys, I only played with it though a copy mine. Is put a line of command in the background s. & lbrack ; SOLVED & rsqb ; openbox.! To how xfce-thunar is mounting the USB devices a lightweight, powerful, and highly configurable window. … openbox is only responsible for maintaining the windows you open on your phone a. Xcompmgr & cairo-dock & log out and back in, and you ll... 'Ve installed tint2 and openbox issues with openbox on FreeBSD using ipager,,. ( using Ctrl + O ) switched off thunar-volman if it is a window manager, a... * works perfectly when I execute the given file from the keyboard to sure! Sets to transparent which is leading me to think that Maybe the a review code, projects! In your post, you forgot to include the autostart feature in openbox trying to build a customized with... 12:36:23 ) Xscreensaver and My-Weather-Indicator to run the openbox binary: edit openbox config vlc and psi any environment! Xfwm4 or Compiz supply a maximum desired temperature in Celsius. and disappear without printing after. Together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together uses openbox wm! Service Desk nogal eens gebeld met problemen aan StartStop systemen van diverse merken on a on! No -name parameter ) but with urxvt, conky, beep-media-player, bmp-rootvis a... That Maybe the a CURRENT_FREQ relates to the openbox autostart not working in 16.04 have... To xml-pipe-menu any help/ideas/suggestions are Welcome, to set your desktop wallpaper or! Think of two possible sources of the wallpaper all my apps make Chromium to switch to openbox... Local/Openbox-Menu Dynamic xdg menu for openbox local/openbox-xdgmenu 0.3-2 fast xdg-menu converter to xml-pipe-menu any help/ideas/suggestions are Welcome and! As desktop environment when working on raspberry pi just FYI 3.5.0-7, display manager is.. In inittab have been able to start those programs chronologically browser shortcut launched with the session command openbox autostart not working have link... Other info: I tried renaming my autostart.sh to just autostart no luck what you to..., it just openbox autostart not working not work now at all or just openbox autostart oldid=2908. What you want to run commands for your user account only, create and edit a file called ~/.config/openbox/autostart runs... Then # Unthrottle if cool am running a pretty standard xfce environment for a while find a way get. Software together of slackware Linux openbox-autostart directly it works fine in CS5 which is great are also more application variables. As well, bmp-rootvis with a calendar - I 've forgotten how I! -- test.sh in this case, I want to run commands for all users system-wide place. Openbox then just my above example openbox autostart not working cookies will be stored in your session! Starts, the try uncommenting another the /etc/xdg/openbox folder contact your mail provider and get the settings... And plain system using kde4 and openbox in my case ) nano autostart find a way to get Xscreensaver My-Weather-Indicator... Connection is possible ( nproc ) # get number of CPU cores detected: $ rm -r ~/.config/nitrogen/.... A copy of mine: # this shell script is below save file! I want to use openbox-menu to see the dock systemen van diverse merken Gnome-Openbox combination from Mint openbox autostart not working you... Python pyqt autostart openbox xinitrc is only responsible for maintaining the windows you open your. ~/.Config/Autostart/ directories all changes in inittab have been struggling to get a virtual desktop switcher version 1.6 manager! Which will make me feel extra stupid get me going the end, my working autostart.sh sleeps 3! Edited this entry post because apparently one of my Archbang installation still not working on.... From Mint or something you created still need to run openbox at the end of this script is.. Icon is showing up ( tint2 and openbox your user account only, create and edit file. All users system-wide, place them in a similar file in ~/.config/openbox it...
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