Corticosteroids: Anyone who takes oral steroids long-term, the equivalent of 15 mg prednisolone for a month or longer, has a weakened immune system. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. THIEF OF SANITY X4 Guilds Of Ravnica GRN Magic MTG MINT CARD. What pushes this card over the edge is its jump-start ability, which is conveniently enabled by all those cards you may have just drawn. MTGGoldfish, Inc. is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast LLC. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. Also, because some risk factors are related to others, making changes in one area can benefit other areas. Background & aims: Colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence and mortality are increasing among persons younger than 50 years old in the United States, but risk factors associated with early-onset CRC (EOCRC) have not been widely studied. Changes in self-reported risk-factor status might also be attributable either to an increasing prevalence of risk factors overall or to better detection and awareness of certain risk factors. What pushes this card over the edge is its jump-start ability, which is conveniently enabled by all those cards you may have just drawn. In the "alternative reality" themed set Planar Chaos, black got two punisher cards, while a multicolored black/red punisher card was printed in Shadowmoor. Risk Factor Guilds of Ravnica Instant Chris Seaman Rare Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Then exile this card.) Chemotherapy: These treatments fight cancer but also weaken your immune system. Then exile this card.) If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. Set: Guilds of Ravnica Type: Instant Rarity: Rare Cost: {2}{R} Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. That is, crafting the scope and approach of the analysis to fit the needs of the project based on the project size, data availability and other requirements of the project team. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. High levels of triglycerides (a type of fat) and abnormal levels of cholesterol, with high total cholesterol, high LDL or low HDL cholesterol all contribute to risk of NAFLD. More from GRN. $8.79 + $2.50 shipping . Condition is New. We invite your to enjoy our film, mobile app, live events and THIS FACEBOOK PAGE. The consultation paper on the Risk-Factors Guidelines is addressed to both credit and financial institutions and competent authorities responsible for supervising compliance with the AML/CFT obligations. Portions of the materials used are property of Wizards of the Coast. If you are a resident of California, you have the right under the CCPA to opt out of the sale of personal information to third parties. | O oponente alvo pode fazer com que Fator de Risco cause 4 pontos de dano a ele. cc-card-invertable Reza Shouri, MD. 3 Risk Factor 2 Sacred Foundry 4 Searing Blaze 4 Wooded Foothills 3 Mountain 1 Stomping Ground ... MTG Modern Competitive BUDGET MonoBlue Devotion MILL Deck w/ Mission Briefing - GRN! All rights reserved. Heart disease is preventable 80%-90% of the time due to lifestyle changes. The Risk Factor addresses the human element, helping identify and influence how individuals feel and act when it comes to risk. 5 is great. Russian Foil Risk Factor Promo MTG Guilds of Ravnica Magic The Gathering Unsold $19.53 0 Bids or Best Offer , $6.45 Shipping , eBay Money Back Guarantee Seller: mtgcardclub (1,883) 100% , Location: Kiev , Ships to: Worldwide, Item: 324312446973 The impact of trauma has been found to have a cumulative effect. Project risk analysis, like all risk analyses, must be implemented using a graded approach. Just when you think you have it in the bag.... Risk Factor Fail Not only is Jump-start perfectly suited for a hefty burn spell (high damage per card, doesn't require a lot of lands, gives you a use for excess lands) but it makes it much more likely that the opponent will run low enough on life to be forced to give you the stronger option of drawing three cards. Easy, secure, best prices. The MAGGIC Risk Calculator for Heart Failure estimates 1- and 3- year mortality in patients with heart failure. MTG Arena Zone is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs.Then exile this card.) Post was not sent - check your email addresses! If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. In order to copy Risk Factor it has to still be on the stack. Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Risk Factor presents your opponent with a brutal choice: take a chunk of damage, or give you a new clutch of cards. A person's risk of developing the condition doubles approximately every five years over the age of 65. Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in multiple risk factors or heart disease and stroke--United States, 2003 Make sure this fits by entering your model number. Risk factor definition: a factor , such as a habit or an environmental condition , that predisposes an individual... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Reza Shouri, MD, is an epilepsy physician and researcher published in the Journal of Neurology. Risk Factor Mana Cost Converted Mana Cost 3 Types Instant Text Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. All cards; API Access; MTGO Library; Login / Registration; Home; GRN; Risk Factor foil Risk Factor Foil GRN View Regular. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Others, like a person’s age or family history, can’t be changed. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. Some risk factors, such as family history, cannot be modified, while other risk factors, like high blood pressure, can be modified with treatment. Risk Factor. Description: Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Call 03300 563 360. Risk Factor x4 Magic the Gathering 4x Guilds of Ravnica mtg card lot. When your opponent's Risk Factor resolves, it gives you a choice between “Risk Factor deals 4 damage to me” or “Not doing that”–that's all. At MTGGoldfish, we value your privacy. Since the choice whether to take the damage is part of the effect of the spell and not a target nor a mode, the opponent chooses on resolution and may choose different options when the copy resolves and when the original resolves. Risk Factor Risk Factor – Guilds of Ravnica. 1,180 likes. How to use risk factor in a sentence. Causes and Risk Factors of Epilepsy Genetics, brain damage, brain infections, and more. Free shipping . Then exile this card.). A risk factor is something about you that increases your chance of getting a disease or having a certain health condition. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. All original content on this page is © 2012-2020 MTGGoldfish, Inc. and may not be used or reproduced without consent. These factors vary depending on the model used to calculate your credit score. ; Name: Risk Factor Set: Guilds of Ravnica A single individual card from the Magic: the Gathering (MTG) trading and collectible card game (TCG/CCG). MTG Arena Zone © 2020. Risk Factor rulings: 2018-10-05: If the target player is an illegal target by the time Risk Factor tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. 10/5/2018: You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Toggle navigation. You will not necessarily develop cardiovascular disease if you have a risk factor. Easily sell your cards with CardConduit. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Set: Guilds of Ravnica Type: Instant Rarity: Rare Cost: {2}{R} Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. More Info: For special rulings visit the Gatherer page. For instance, you can cast a sorcery using jump-start only when you could normally cast a sorcery. Then exile this card.) More Info: For special rulings visit the Gatherer page. Toggle navigation. A risk factor is anything that increases your chance of getting a disease such as cancer. NCI's Dictionary of Cancer Terms provides easy-to-understand definitions for words and phrases related to cancer and medicine. Buy & sell Risk Factor from Guilds of Ravnica in Europe's largest online marketplace for Magic: The Gathering. 3 is average. RITUAL OF SOOT X4 Guilds Of Ravnica GRN Magic MTG MINT CARD. Risk Factor is an independent insurance broker providing clearer, fairer insurance which saves you money to be spent on community. Some risk factors for heart disease you cannot change, but some you can. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. Wizards of the Coast, Magic: The Gathering, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. 対戦相手1人を対象とする。そのプレイヤーは「危険因子はそのプレイヤーに4点のダメージを与える。」を選んでもよい。そのプレイヤーがそうしなかったなら、あなたはカードを3枚引く。 Krark, the Thumbless // Sakashima of a Thousand Faces, Krark, the Thumbless // Vial Smasher the Fierce. Related Articles expand_less. All cards; API Access; MTGO Library; Login / Registration; Home; GRN; Risk Factor Risk Factor GRN View Foil. Expansion Guilds of Ravnica: Rarity Rare $11.16. This card was 8th on my top 11 list for 2018. Dyslipidemia/ High or abnormal levels of fats in the blood “Dys” means abnormal, “lipid” means fat and “emia” means in the blood. All emails include an unsubscribe link. Age: The immune systems of the very young and the very old tend to be weak. Buy your copies of Risk Factor (Guilds of Ravnica) on LilianaMarket, the new marketplace for the Magic: The Gathering community in the UK. You don’t draw three cards. Risk Factor | Fator de Risco - Instant - Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. You may opt-out at any time. By. Some Punisher cards from the Odyssey block got a modern card frame for the first time in Tibalt's deck for Duel Decks: Sorin vs. Tibalt. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). Risk Factor presents your opponent with a brutal choice: take a chunk of damage, or give you a new clutch of cards. Risk Factor / 危険因子 (2)(赤) インスタント. Rarity: Rare. I Agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Risk Factor Please take a moment to review them and accept to continue. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. What pushes this card over the edge is its jump-start ability, which is conveniently enabled by all those cards you may have just drawn. Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Ratings: Constructed: 2.50 Casual: 3.25 Limited: 3.25 Multiplayer: 3.00 Commander [EDH]: 2.25. Then exile this card.) ©Wizards of the Coast LLC. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. grn This innovative approach focuses on the motivations behind our decision making. See more. Instant Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. My personal information may be used for the purposes defined in the privacy policy. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. Expansion Guilds of Ravnica: Rarity Rare Risk Factor card price from Guilds of Ravnica (GRN) for Magic: the Gathering (MTG) and Magic Online (MTGO). ‘Pollution India’s top risk factor for deaths’, Air Pollution kills 1.2L infants in India in 2019 Vishwa Mohan / TNN / Updated: Oct 22, 2020, 10:09 IST Facebook Twitter Linkedin EMail We've updated our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Moved Permanently. In Avacyn Restored, Punisher came back again this time as a 4/3 creature for that punishes for 4 damage. More from GRN. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. Risk Factor presents your opponent with a brutal choice: take a chunk of damage, or give you a new clutch of cards. Risk Factor - MTG Guilds of Ravnica Rare New Ships fast and free 2018-10-05: You must still follow any timing restrictions and permissions, including those based on the card’s type. Another punisher card was printed in Oath … 1 is bad. COVID-19 Resource Center. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Magic: The Gathering > MTG Individual Cards. Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - … Then exile this card.) Risk Factor is a card that plays better than it reads, surprisingly. Risk Factor ... MTG Arena Zone is unofficial Fan Content permitted under the Fan Content Policy. These provisions had not been significantly revised […] Risk Factors for Parkinson’s Posted on January 17, 2013 by Laura Kennedy Gould A friend of mine asked me the other day if there were any risk factors for Parkinson’s….e.g., if you did skydiving as a child, you are more likely to get Parkinson’s. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards.Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. $4.79 + $2.50 shipping . If the target player is an illegal target by the time Risk Factor tries to resolve, the spell doesn’t resolve. Methods: We conducted a case-control study of US veterans 18 to 49 years old who underwent colonoscopy examinations from 1999 through 2014. MTG Risk Factor: $1.77 0.02 Tixes. Redirecting to /2020/06/15/1592220824000/Is-this-the-nuttiest-risk-factor-of-all-time- If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. It calls to mind Browbeat from Judgment, part of red’s “let me do this or I punch you in the face” trend.But while Browbeat is a fringe option not considered great, Risk Factor accomplishes more even while offering less damage. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. The SEC issued new rules on August 26, 2020 which affect the business description, litigation disclosure, and risk factor disclosure of SEC-reporting companies in their annual and quarterly reports (10-K and 10-Q), registration statements (S-1 and S-3), and M&A disclosure filings (S-4 and 14A) filed with the SEC. Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. And when you respond to it by copying it, the copy resolves first. Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Shipped with Economy Shipping. © 1995-2020 Wizards. Thank you for everything you do. Then exile this card.) Reviews Below: Sep 23, 2018 - Beacon Bolt x 4 Guilds of Ravnica GRN MTG M/NM English unplayed . More Info: For special rulings visit the Gatherer page. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Add "Cast Risk Factor targeting you." Risk Factor, Guilds of Ravnica, Red, Instant, Rare, cmc: 3, artist: Chris Seaman, flavor: Another risk factor in the development of PTSD after a traumatic event is having experienced another trauma in the past. to your collection. Changing the risk factors that you have control over may help you live a longer, healthier life. Risk Factor. But the more risk factors you […] As such, we're letting you know that we've updated our Privacy Policy to reflect the new rule set forth by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Risk Factor Mana Cost Converted Mana Cost 3 Types Instant Text Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Use the options below to exercise this right, and please review our privacy policy for complete information on how your data is used and stored. If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. MTGO WikiPrice is the leading Magic the Gathering Online card pricing system with thousands of MTGO bots that buy and sell the cards you're looking for. This means that a trauma survivor who did not previously show symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder could develop PTSD after subsequent trauma. Risk Factor, at instant speed and with Jump-start, is a significant improvement. Type: Instant. This is an unprecedented time. Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Risk factor definition is - something that increases risk or susceptibility. Dr. Shouri has always been fascinated with the structure and function of the human brain. Risk Factor (Non-Foil) Risk Factor Guilds of Ravnica Foil Non-Foil. Receive 10% off with the code GOLDFISH! You don’t draw three cards. Receive 10% off with the code GOLDFISH! If that player doesn't, you draw three cards. See our privacy policy. Some risk factors, like smoking, can be changed. Join us discussing news, tournaments, gameplay, deckbuilding, strategy, lore, fan art, cosplay, and more. Then exile this card.) Different cancers have different risk factors. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Researchers say BMI may be a higher risk factor for type 2 diabetes than genetics. Dimir Yorion Updated Standard Deck Guide – Welcome to Standard’s Newest Tier 1 Deck – December 2020. Then exile this card.) Some of these risk factors (eg lifestyle) can be controlled, but others (eg age and genes) cannot. In finance, risk factors are the building blocks of investing, that help explain the systematic returns in equity market, and the possibility of losing money in investments or business adventures. MTGO WikiPrice is the leading Magic the Gathering Online card pricing system with thousands of MTGO bots that buy and sell the cards you're looking for. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Cardiovascular risk factors There are many risk factors associated with coronary heart disease and stroke. (Sure, other things might happen later depending on what choice is made, but again, the actual choice is only between those two options.) Risk factor definition, a condition, behavior, or other factor that increases risk: Smoking is a major risk factor for cancer;depression as a risk factor in suicide. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. ... A diverse community of players devoted to Magic: the Gathering, a trading card game ("TCG") produced by Wizards of the Coast and originally designed by Richard Garfield. Age is the strongest risk factor for vascular dementia. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Easily sell your cards with CardConduit. All Rights Reserved. It is the dedication of healthcare workers that will lead us through this crisis. Punisher cards were first printed throughout the Odyssey block and were red. Other Factors . Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Target opponent may have Risk Factor deal 4 damage to them. Welcome to Risk Factor! 100% Fake-News-Free Guaranteed. Identifying the risk factors responsible for cataract formation is a difficult and complicated problem because a realistic causal model in cataract formation would not be a simple linear sufficient cause paradigm (e.g., one exposure-one cataract type). Risk factors accompany your credit score and tell you why you may have been rejected for a loan or credit card or received a higher interest rate than you'd like. Jump-start (You may cast this card from your graveyard by discarding a card in addition to paying its other costs. Date Reviewed: September 25, 2018. 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