Where should … Whoever came up with the phrase "you should never wake a sleeping baby" really made my job a little harder. Definitely woke him up to eat, and by 6 weeks he was sleeping 6-8 hours every night. I exclusively breastfed and woke up both my babies until they self weaned at 13 and 14 months. Keep nap times consistent throughout the week. Nothing was working and I was starting to think he would never have a nap again. Your milk production adjusts. She is 7.5 weeks. Your guidance has helped organize me and prepare me mentally more than any other blog or support group, thank you. I'm trying to establish a regular feeding schedule with my 2 month old, and I've realized sometimes naptime and feedings overlap. Here are 4 My heart sunk and I signed up for your daily email list of listening. If you can hit that target as much as possible during the day, great; then if baby doesn’t wake to feed at night, no problem. Hang around for a bit and join the fun! I'd ask your pediatrician. I’ve been setting an alarm for every 4 hours since the start of each feeding every night. He'll wake for a feed if he's hungry. I also signed up for your “better listening” email series and have been learning a ton and working on implementing your advice with my 21 month & 3 1/2 year olds. Hello, Have been following a strict routine for my 5 1/2 month old and she sometimes seems to want more sleep during the day time than the 2 hours the routine advises. I picked up these routine cards this week from The Military Wife and Mom because my 3 year old tends to put up a fight when getting ready to leave the house, or go to bed. My 7 month old has about 8 feeds a day including anywhere from 1 - 3 feeds during the night. There’s no one right way of doing things, but this technique can work. If your baby last ate more than 3 hours ago, wake the baby. My friend looked at me like I told her I was moving to Antarctica and said, “You wake her up?”, To which I promptly responded, “Yep, all the time.”, With her jaw hanging open, I was tempted to offer her my hand to help her close it. I am so glad I came across your blog. I love it! Just be prepared for him to Hunger cues often lead to crying or other signals that your baby is ready to eat. This is because feeding in between naps can cause a child to fall asleep while eating. Establishing a baby bedtime routine You may feel ready to introduce a bedtime routine when your baby is around 3 months old. Whether you should wake a sleeping newborn for feedings depends on the baby's age, weight and overall health. I wish I had have signed up for emails 3 weeks ago and used the strategies on their school holidays lol. Your baby will wake when he's hungry. He definitely lets me know when he's hungry! Question: My baby is 6 weeks old. Makes sense right? should i wake up my 2 month old baby for a feed at night or wait for him to wake up when he is hungry? I personally try not to let them go more than 5 hours at night without breastfeeding so my period stays away longer, but that’s personal preference. Feed your baby every time they wake, and focus on making it a full feed. Overall, at 4 months your baby should be getting 4 hours of daytime sleep with 3-4 naps and 10-12 hours at night. Many newborns are very sleepy in the early days or weeks and may not exhibit hunger cues as often as they actually need to eat. It’s easy to allow your kids to swallow your day whole. Then I would simply focus on getting her to eat around every three hours, but it’s not always perfect If she’s been awake 2.5 hours and needs to take a nap and it’s been 2.5 hours before she last ate, I would go ahead and feed her before she goes to sleep…even thought that goes “against” the eat/wake/sleep cycle. Click Here to Get Your Free Printable Checklist. If your baby is still napping when the next feeding time rolls around, wake the baby. your pediatrician is right... let her sleep.. and get some sleep while you're at it! A: Don't worry -- your experience is actually quite common, but here are some reassuring facts: A 1-month-old should eat every two and a half to four hours. Count your blessings, mate! If this isn’t something that will work for your family, I completely understand that as well. If this post helps another mom discover something that works well, I’m happy to share. The clock is not the master of our daily routine. A 1-month-old should eat every two and a half to four hours. I actually fed my baby every 2 hrs from 7am to 5pm and then cluster fed as he wanted, until he was around 5-6 mos. when he hit 3 months, his wake time lengthened and I found myself waking him at 1.5 hrs now. Question: My baby is 6 weeks old. At 10 months (and 11 and 12 months, too), your baby's sleep needs are probably pretty similar to what they were at 9 months. thanks. Waking a Sleeping Baby. When I would wake her to eat she nursed for less than 5 minutes and took an hour to get back to sleep. My daughter is one month old. At times, he will be hungry before nap, so I feed him as well and then he may not be hungry when he wakes. I think some mothers do have to add in a few days feedings, but still, better a day feeding than a night one! I feed my 7 month old baby food at 7pm, along with 2 scoops of oatmeal and 2 oz bottle which he usually doesn't drink much of. Feeding frequently in the early days and weeks helps make sure you have a good milk … What works for one baby and family might not be the best fit for another. Is it ok to let her sleep that long at this age? Grab our Ultimate Daily Routine Bundle - Now 60% OFF! Lv 4. It was the hardest feed we had, and while my instinct told me to just let her sleep, I was afraid that I was doing something wrong. She typically woke up twice from 10 pm to 7 am at 6 weeks old (approx 1 am and 4 am). It can be hard to wake baby up, but it's very important to. We use cookies to customize content and advertising. Just a comment on the waking a baby at 10pm for feeding,. Should I wake him to nurse?” Yes, if he doesn’t wake on his own. This often leads babies to sleep as if they are college students sleeping off a weekend bender. Find out what’s coming up for your 1-month-old baby … Of course, I completely understood her shock and disbelief. I’m loving receiving your emails. that's why you pay them! Feb. 12, 2015. My son was flat out just ignoring our voices. I used to wake her up for a night feed but the pediatrician said we could let her sleep. Mom gets stuff done! Breastfed babies often cluster-feed, eating very frequently over a few hours and then taking a longer break. Plus, unlike in the newborn period, your 6-week-old breastfed baby can sleep a little longer without waking. Find answers & help on 'my 2 month old baby boy does not wake up for night feed if I wake him after 4 hours he drink for. She will let you know when she is hungry. There is an easy method we use—it’s so easy anyone can do it—and it only takes a few minutes to start in your home. She sometimes will make noises, stretches or grunts but she goes back to sleep after. Parenting and motherhood in the midst of military life. Six Week Olds. Oh and yes. If you’re starting to establish a schedule with a 10 week old that doesn’t like to nap during the day (at all) – do you suggest waking the baby to feed, even if it took an hour to get the baby asleep, she’s only been asleep for 20 minutes, but you’re at the 3 hour mark? For example, you could try waking your baby for a feed just before you go to bed in the hope you'll get a long sleep before they wake up again. Many days, I add in another nursing session or two for comfort or hunger (always feed your baby when they are hungry). We layed groundwork by establishing a bedtime routine early, but at your LO's age crying/fussing means she actually needs something. Your baby: 9 weeks old Breastfeeding: On demand, every 2 to 4 hours, or 7 to 12 times a day Exclusive pumping: 15 to 20 minutes per breast, or 2 to 5 minutes after breast is empty, 8 to 10 times a day (avoid going longer than 5 to 6 hours without pumping) As long as your baby is gaining weight as she should then by all means let her sleep. Not only that, but the empathy statements and “turning a no into a yes” actually had my three year old saying “okay, mom” happily and complying right away without fighting or tears, by the end of the day! 1 doctor answer. She gradually dropped both those night feedings on her own and now sleeps through from 10 pm to 7 am most nights at 2.5 months old. I know how lucky we are, but if your baby is naturally inclined to sleep at night, don't fight it. Do not wake her. i would get paranoid and think she was uncomfortable. [CDATA[ amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "themilwifandm-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "7098501bc4bea6356d1026cbd5a8aa08"; amzn_assoc_asins = "B01ARHN1F6,B001PGKPNK,B0028IDXDS,B0030UF6EW"; // ]]> Being a mom is hard. Kids health & safety Child development Pregnancy & newborns. She definitely sleeps better and in longer periods during the day and clutterfeeds at night. What strategies you suggest are common knowledge, but having the time to sit back and think about them is another thing. My newborn daughter—4 weeks old—needed to get up from her nap. As of a week ago or so, she doesn’t seem hungry until 4 hours later. What age do you think she can move from our room to her room in her crib? Should I wake my 2 month old to feed during the day? Everyone is sleeping…mom gets stuff done! My 2 month old baby sleeps 9 hours at night - is this too much? This had me in tears because finally someone gets it! 330 – Toddler wakes, eats snack, watches TV, 400 – Baby wakes, eats, family time together. 4-6 months. A: Don't worry -- your experience is actually quite common, but here are some reassuring facts: A 1-month-old should eat every two and a half to four hours. Talk to him and make eye contact. my LC said babies over 12 pounds are physically capable of sleeping through the night without a feeding. I breastfed all three for over a year. Sleeping longer than 4 hours is usually too long for newborns and you need to make sure you are feeding your baby so you won’t have slow weight gain issues. , I did breastfeed both my babies and found that my milk supply adjusted once they naturally dropped night feedings. I appreciate that you are a working mom and waking a baby is not something that works for you. They are responding well and I am looking particularly forward to working through these strategies with my youngest. Plus, the best way to cope if your 10-month-old is having a tough time in the sleep department. Read more about establishing good sleep habits at this stage. Once your baby is 2 weeks old and weighs more than when she was born, you will no longer need to worry about waking for feeds. I’ve already shared your link with my family and friends! I would wake her until she’s had at least 1.5 hours of rest, unless it was a catnap in the evening time and bedtime was coming in a few hours. Thanks! Hi. Until your newborn regains this lost weight — usually within one to two weeks after birth — it's important to feed … Here are just a few tips to help baby organize sleep: You want to encourage a baby to take in as many calories during the day as possible. I have been reading your blog now for a few months and I really respect your advice and ideas. Keep the break to no more than two to three hours in the first two weeks, lactation consultant and author Anne Smith advises on BreastfeedingBasics.com. There are indeed times when it makes complete sense why would need to wake a sleeping baby. If you’re looking for a simple way to create pre-nap and bedtime routines for your baby, check out the baby sleep printable routine and checklist bundle. //
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