The root cause of this local to global maldistribution of wealth problem is the inequitable ownership and control of the planet¹s land and natural resources. Help empower local community development Earth Rights Institute Programs by volunteering, donating, partnering or working with Earth Rights Institute. Who gives whom the write to own anything? The Crown traces back to the Vatican, which is headed by the Pope (who owns American Express) In essence the City of London Corporation would become the “One World Earth Corporation” and would privately own the world. By design, nobody really knows how much the family is worth. Based in Bienne, Switzerland, the Swatch Group is the largest watch company in the world. Who Really Owns The World? Dear friends: Who really owns the world? These are the people really running the show. No one owns them. As it turns out, TTI owns Milwaukee Tool and a host of other power tool companies. Who Really Owns the Federal Reserve? The correct and accurate answer is that the governments of the respective countries are not in control. The compromise meant the Fed has both. 19-02-2019. Click here to support us. Rather, by looking … This means that, under the United Nations Biodiversity Treaty, a precious resource—owned by American citizens for over 200 years—has been turned over to the UN's bureaucrats for control. David Rockefeller was instrumental in the construction of the World Trade Center towers. An enduring peace MUST secure justice, yet the actual basis for justice lies in affirming and restoring economic rights, a subject about which there is not yet enough consensus for the kind of unity or purpose and action essential to the task. Fewer and fewer people are seeing Anti-Media articles as social media sites crack down on us, and advertising revenues across the board are quickly declining. Who really own Bitcoin, enormous returns within 8 months. Military induction has been the only way to "be all you can be" for millions of America¹s lower class people. Wealth and success often go together. Always, in Scripture, God owns the world. Just as the health of the roots of a tree is crucial to the production of abundant fruit, so must public funding come from the proper base in order to procure a healthy wholesome society. With the US government and most European countries in debt to the Elite, there should be absolutely no doubt as to who owns the world and who controls it. Capitalist arrangements, while maximizing efficiency in production through competition and reward for individual incentive, cannot resolve the maldistribution of wealth problem because of the basic flaw in putting the land base in the same market category as labor-produced wealth. I've been thinking, and it actually came as a direct result to listening to a select few songs on my mp3 player and reading an interview with Thom Yorke. The causes and conditions of warfare, environmental exploitation, and human degradation cannot be considered apart from each other but are woven into the institutionalized fabric of the current state of the world. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Jake Anderson and Jesus referred to him as “the ruler of this world” (John 12:31), and Paul calls him “the prince of the power of the air” (Ephesians 2:2) and “the god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Also, his name really is "Slim"; it's not a code name he bought for a few million pesos. This article was first published on September 30, 2013. Meanwhile, rigging of the DMCA intellectual property laws — so that the government can imprison and fine citizens who jailbreak devices — behooves Wall Street. This pales into insignificance before the wealth of these trillionaires. Someone was right when they said that it is the money which makes the world go round. There are rich people. At that time, President Woodrow Wilson wanted a government-appointed central board. The art of trading is to stimulate when a. The preferred term for this so-called elite crew of world shapers is "Superclass." Earth Rights Institute • 1127 18th Street #4 • SANTA MONICA, CA 90403. This article (Forget the New World Order, Here’s Who Really Runs the World) is free and open source. The family owns 30 Rockefeller Plaza, where the national Christmas tree is lighted every year, and Rockefeller Center. Now… No, these are crude attempts at solving the problem. This pales into insignificance before the wealth of these trillionaires. However, this has denaturised. Earth Rights Institute would like to extend our appreciation to these organizations and businesses for their ongoing support! The deep state hides in plain sight and goes far beyond the military-industrial complex President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned about in his farewell speech over fifty years ago. Then there is … The WHO Constitution, which establishes the agency's governing structure and principles, states its main objective as "the attainment by … The FED controls interest rates and the amount of money in the economy. In some cases, the true ownership of shares is hidden by the use of “nominee” or “depository” organisations. However, even if this were so, people still and like always, break the rules. Who really runs the world? While most citizens are at least passively aware of the surveillance state and collusion between the government and the corporate heads of Wall Street, few people are aware of how much the intelligence functions of the government have been outsourced to privatized groups that are not subject to oversight or accountability. Human survival must be secured on all fronts simultaneously if it is to be secured at all. Thank you. Insights . The former chief economist of the World Bank, Joe Stiglitz, was fired recently. To quote Eustace Mullins from his book The World Order: And He is Lord of the world, ruling over it and setting up and throwing down its kingdoms (Daniel 4:32; 5:21; Romans 13:1). The right to the Earth must be vested in the people themselves, in a way that can be understood and monitored by the average individual. Who really owns most of the world's gold? BY MICHAEL BLANDING. Alternatively, ground rent can be redistributed by direct payment back to all individuals, much as a company returns dividends to its stockholders. That means the real power to control the world lies with four companies: McGraw-Hill, which owns Standard & Poor's, Northwestern Mutual, which … God owns the world. Study Reveals Who Really Owns The World’s News A new in-depth study has revealed that just 24 companies own the majority of the world’s biggest news outlets. Earth Rights InstituteThe Earth is the birthright of all people. .What a cashless society really means is the banks can now control you. SHARE. ... nobody really owns gateway just like no one owns walmart its unowned only property that the stores r on is owned. Earth Rights Institute (ERI) is designed to be an equilateral knowledge platform, where local people collaborate with academics and development professionals, both local and foreign, by exchanging skills, experiences, and knowledge to solve crucial development issues such as widespread poverty, land right disputes and environmental degradation. Who Owns the Federal Reserve? Please wait... Akeate. Fortunately, "Green" efforts in several countries have included platform planks that do advocate ground rent as the basis of public finance even though other parts of their agendas are sometimes contradictory in terms of means and methods. The landlord is killed but the peasants fight and compete against each other only to have once again the powerful and ruthless few emerge to control the many. It took me a while to write this, but I must say that truthfully to me no person has the actual right to claim anything on this earth. The most famous is probably the Wall Street Journal, which fits the mold of News Corps’s focus on financial information. The ever-widening gap between rich and poor, both within and among nations is a primary source of conflict and violence, a trigger mechanism for warfare. Posted August 29, 2008 by vensantos in Link Bait/Blog Articles. Various groups, establishments, organizations, and portions of the populace from all corners of the political spectrum, including Silicon Valley, Occupy, the Tea Party, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, anarchists and libertarians from both the left and right, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, and whistleblowers like Edward Snowden and others are beginning to vigorously question and reject the labyrinth of power wielded by the deep state. World Controlled by 3 Powers. There is a way to attain BOTH fairness in distribution AND maximum efficiency in wealth production, of securing collective needs AND furthering individual freedom. American exceptionalism, or the great “Washington Consensus,” yields perpetual war and economic imperialism abroad while consolidating the interests of the oligarchy here at home. Just as every human being strong and weak is considered of inherent equal value as a person with the right to self-expression, so every human must have a fair and equal right to the Earth itself. With the US government and most European countries in debt to the Elite, there should be absolutely no doubt as to who owns the world and who controls it. Anti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. Sushant Singh Rajput • Who really owns the world? Fifty percent of the homeless in America today are estimated to be veterans, and fifty percent of those served in the Vietnam War. Who Really Owns The World? "Who Owns the World" was mainly a statistical reference book, though definitely one with an agenda behind it. The revolving door between government and Wall Street money allows top firms to offer premium jobs to senior government officials and military yes-men. Who owns the World Health Organization? On the global level the Law of the Seas Covenant is an example of a ground rent basis for public needs as it has affirmed that ocean resources are the common heritage of all and a proper source of funding for global institutions. The Federal Reserve Cartel: Who owns the Federal Reserve? The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for international public health. On 18 November 1302, Pope Boniface VIII issued the Papal Bull called "Unum Sanctum." Meanwhile, the institutionalized Roman land tenure system continues to make rot out of our political democracy and a mockery of ideals of human freedom as the underclasses are the first to be strangled by the unidentified and invisible hand of creeping land rent. Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years. For the answer we go to a recent post from The BOE’s Banker Underground blog which looks at the question of who really owns central banks. The health of the human being and the health of the Earth is interrelated. The "commonwealth" is thus supported by the "common wealth." As the Financial Times has put it, “The family empire is divided among a web of descendants and a few external shareholders. 'The idea that a few bankers control a large chunk of the global economy might not seem like news to New York's Occupy Wall Street movement and protesters elsewhere (see photo). In fact, when she was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World Bank, she held the position of Senior Counsel. Then there are Ultra rich people. I've heard things like "China is terribly crowded" but now I know how it compares to other countries in terms … …We have a small favor to ask. SHARE. You can check the list of every member of The Committee of 300 on Conspiracy Circle. No matter how grand the goal, without a consensus of means and method well-intentioned and progressive people on both sides of the political seesaw will just keep bouncing up and down, ultimately going nowhere except deeper into the hole in the ground at the middle. Get The Thoughty2 Book: is the world's largest land owner? Aside from all that was written, the bull ends with the following statement: Thus we see that the SOURCE of public finance is every bit as important as the purpose to which public funds are directed. He observed the government appropriating an enormous amount of money that was ostensibly meant to go to Afghanistan but instead went to the Persian Gulf region. You'll learn that: Only 15% of the world's population lays claim to landownership, and that landownership in too few hands is probably the single greatest cause of poverty. Who really owns the world? At this time, Woodrow Wilson remarked, “We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”. by Alanna Hartzok. With a net worth in the multi-billions, only Bill Gates gets to bully Slim on the billionaire playground (and, even then, some years the roles reverse and Slim becomes the world's richest person). Ever wondered who owns your favorite news websites? John makes a further distinction when he says: “We know that we are of God, and the whole world is in the power of the evil one” (1 John 5:19). with 3.28 percent, BlackRock Fund Advisors with 2.98 percent, Fidelity Management and Research Company with 2.75 percent, State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. with 2.48 percent, Capital World Investors with … Anti-Media’s independent journalism and analysis takes substantial time, resources, and effort to produce, but we do it because we believe in our message and hope you do, too. The real power in the world is not the United States, Russia, or even China. Tell Me, Who Really Owns America? This article (Forget the New World Order, Here’s Who Really Runs the World) is free and open source. I found the actual statistics very interesting. The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP and Chevron Texaco); in tandem with Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays and other European old money behemoths. Who Owns the World presents the results of the first-ever landownership survey of all 197 states and 66 territories of the world, and reveals facts both startling and eye-opening. The approach is based on the equal right of all to the land and natural resources and the right of the individual to the products of labor. The company owns hundreds of national, regional, and local newspapers around the world. This, he says, “disenchanted” him from the groupthink, which he says keeps all of Washington’s minions in lockstep. Sushant Singh Rajput • Who really owns the world? It is the elite that rules and controls the world. who really owns the world part 4. coronavirus qinetiq and the rothschild bombshell corona virus mongers. This pales into insignificance before the wealth of these trillionaires. Who Really Owns the World? Justin Taylor | Genesology. This database combined information from around 100 sources and covers nearly 63,000 companies worldwide. At present, discord and unrest continues to build. To quote Eustace Mullins from his book The World Order: By comparison, the U.S. deep state relies on a symbiotic relationship between banksters, lobbyists, and defense contractors, a mutant hybrid that also owns the Fourth Estate and Washington think tanks. Any member state of the UN can also be a member state of the WHO. It is also unsurprising that the growth of the corporatocracy aids the deep state. Veterans of war, little more than mercenaries to begin with in many cases, come home to want and poverty. Dear readers, Don't let the three star review throw you off. The pressures upon those who are themselves exploited to exploit in turn each other and the environment is great. Post by Paranoid Android » Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:06 pm. These vary in significance and legal treatme… coronavirus uncovers rothschild lord pirbright as key to the 140-yr. pilgrims society monopoly over world culture, commerce & war. The Federal Reserve is an independent entity established by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. ----- Our mission is informing people correctly. It also licenses the RIDGID* and RYOBI names for cordless power tools (Emerson owns RIDGID). You'll learn that: Only 15% of the world's population lays claim to landownership, and that landownership in too few hands is probably the single greatest cause of poverty. Namely, concern for fairness in the distribution of wealth and collective societal needs as emphasized by the left and individual freedom and incentive with efficiency in production valued by the right. by David Bholat and Karla Martinez Gutierrez. Then there are Gods (Super Ultra Rich people). News Corp also owns HarperCollins, which owns the Christian-niche Zondervan, making News Corp a major player in retail books as well. former general and CIA Director David Petraeus, Take me to the homepage of independent media. Barack Obama is truly not the President of the United States. Sweden isn't an obvious choice for being a major player in the gold market, but this Scandinavian country actually owns 125.7 tons of gold bars. The US has an annual GDP in the range of 14-15 trillion dollars. But we no longer own it. Who Owns the World presents the results of the first-ever landownership survey of all 197 states and 66 territories of the world, and reveals facts both startling and eye-opening. Do we divide the land in half and give each of the landless a small parcel so that the large landowner now holds 50%? Who owns the world? Former Republican congressional aide Mike Lofgren says it is the nexus of Wall Street and the national security state — a relationship where elected and unelected figures join forces to consolidate power and serve vested interests. Taxes from any other source raised for whatever worthy goal or peace or environmental needs, food, jobs or medicine, ultimately depress wages and capital formation necessary to secure basic human needs while the inevitable increse in land values is pocketed by the few who own the land. What Legal Guild setup the Common Law system in the World, and the obedience to it by all nations? Just recently on the news, the Bush administration proposed to scale back protected zones for endangered whales in the Atlantic Ocean. It is unlikely that environmental degradation will cease until the exploitation of the human being is alleviated. EMAIL. TTI stands for Techtronic Industries Company Limited (TTI Group). The answer may surprise you. They can NOT be ordered in a linear progression of steps one, two, three - disarm, restore the environment, then work on economic justice issues. This position makes it the most powerful actor in the global economy. Whatever immediate advantage might be wrought from a redirection alone of tax dollars will in due time be annulled by increase in land values to the benefit of those few holding title. It is not necessary for each person to own land outright in order thereby to secure their fair share of the Earth. Territorial conflict has for millennium been a root cause of war. U.S. News & World Report, with a weekly circulation of 2.3 million, is owned and published by Mortimer Zuckerman, a Jew. In simpler terms, a white public press behind severalize potential investors everything they … Founded in 1985 in Hong Kong, TTI sells tools all over the world and employs over 22,000 people. ... Its decisions affect the U.S. economy, and therefore the world. A question I’d like to ask of you. The government and 'legal' system of the United States is controlled by the 'Crown.' Today you fear the IRS. The paucity of real non-violent solutions to the problem of the concentration of land and resource ownership has led by default to violent upheavals and poorly conceived arrangements that are often short-lived. The task of conservation, restoration, and rational use of the earth is vitally linked to the question of "Who owns the Earth?" But it turns out the core idea — one of deep and overarching collusion between Wall Street and government with a globalist agenda — is operational in what a number of insiders call the “Deep State.”. Some say it is the evolutionary hybrid offspring of the military-industrial complex while others say it came into being with the Federal Reserve Act, even before the First World War. Zuckerman also owns the Atlantic Monthly and New York’s tabloid newspaper, the Daily News, which is … The publicly traded company owns 18 watch brands spanning the entire price spectrum. Such a higher middle ground must arise from an appreciation and unification of the highest values of both sides. After years of serving in Congress, Lofgren’s moment of truth regarding this matter came in 2001. Under the pretense of pseudo-libertarianism, they helmed a commercial tech sector that is every bit as intrusive as the NSA. Here is what it found. Rather, he is a front man for more powerful entities that hide in the shadows. " Who Really Owns the World? " Now, Lofgren notes, these CEOs want to complain about foreign market share and the damage this collusion has wrought on both the domestic and international reputation of their brands. The right to the Earth cannot be vulnerable to the whim of partisan politics. Who really owns the United States, Canada, Britain, Ireland and much more besides? Why cashless? The newsletter of Jim Bramlett January 24, 2011 Who Really Owns the World? However, sometimes the term “world” is used to describe the fallen world system dominated by Satan. 16-year-old Girl from Nepal Travels to MP to Meet Her FB Friend: Police. Yet there is ever mounting death and violence among the underclass who find survival increasingly more difficult while the middle class is being steadily taxed into oblivion. April 26, 2019 | 12:01 am. A complex web of revolving doors between the military-industrial-complex, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley consolidates the interests of defense contractors, banksters, military campaigns, and both foreign and domestic surveillance intelligence. In the past couple of years, the term has gained traction across a wide swath of ideologies. It is the elite that rules and controls the world. According to Mike Lofgren and many other insiders, this is not a conspiracy theory. But Congress wanted the Fed to have 12 regional banks to represent America's diverse regions. illustration by Michael Hogue . Its weekly circulation is 3.2 million. Of course it depends how you look at it. THE VATICAN OWNS EVERYTHING. The community "allows" individual private use of sites on the condition that its fair rental value is paid to the community. How they use that wealth matters. Who owns the Bank of England? The task of conservation, restoration, and rational use of the earth is vitally linked to the question of "Who owns the Earth?" For over 150 years they have planned to take the world over through money. Who really owns the world’s stuff PTH News item: As the rich in America get richer, they are giving fewer of their dollars to charity as a percentage of income. Like Bernadine Healy, former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Children’s Health Defense believes that the public is … Thus there is individual incentive for proper care of the Earth.
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