This can be achieved by defining a secure border, creating a secure border system and adopting measures to determine success. Get up-to-the-minute postings, recommended articles and links, and engage in back-and-forth discussion with Dr. Hurd on topics of interest. The Channel: The final frontier of the Schengen Zone. Past presidents from both parties spewed hot air about what we needed to do yet they never did much. Who is going to pick up the tab for this? In the El Paso sector, 3.5 migrants were arrested per agent. Many in the media mistook their lip service for accomplishment. While our world today is too complex for the free-flowing anarchic state of thousands, even hundreds of years ago, boundaries would suffice for administrative purposes. Keeping borders open throws states in disarray. We need … But things have gone so bonkers and so crazy in recent times, it forces us to state or restate what should have been obvious all along. In order to survive, states need borders (self-organization) – “operational closure.”. Nor is it surprising that DHS has not seen the need to request additional Border Patrol agents. The most important aspect of immigration reform is keeping America safe. On one of my trips to the border, I asked my escorts, a couple of border patrol agents, if they thought we needed a border wall. We should open the borders for undocumented people that want to and need to go back to their families. Borders are neither desirable nor necessary. Copyright © Media. And to denote the limits of your territory, you need a border. Today’s open-borders agenda has its roots not only in economic and political factors — the need for low-wage workers who will do the work that native-born Americans or Europeans supposedly … They emphasized to me their support for a wall. We … There are two reasons a free country needs borders. Expect a Preservationist, Climate-Centered Agency, Beloved Coach Lou Holtz Receives the Medal of Freedom, BREAKING: Top White House Communications Official Resigns, COVID Damage Control, Not 'Fact-Checking', DOJ Cracks Down on Facebook Discrimination, Trump Attorneys Produce Video Alleging Georgia Ballots Were Hidden in Suitcases, An Unlikely Ally: Democrat Defends President Trump Over Section 230, Delusional Never Trump Losers Think We’re Going to Take Them Back, Gov. Many people coming across America’s southern border are in need of welfare services. He formerly served as the Sheriff of Milwaukee County. Borders were important when we made our decisions. Two, they know full well that with open borders the most needy and dependent will enter the nation in order to exploit that nation’s welfare and entitlement programs, including but not limited to “free” schools, health care and all the rest. We only need borders because we have nation states. That said, a good starting point is the number of people US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) apprehend at the southern border. Nations don't want to share institutions, lose their culture and values, or see their sovereignty dissolve. But borders are also an example of structural violence, of using a system of laws and regulations that deprive other people of opportunities through the imposition of borders… In the end, the only answer will be the one most don’t want to consider, because it seems too radical: Repeal most of what the federal government currently does, and go back to the original Constitution, where the federal government provides for a national defense, border control and that’s pretty much about it. States are “social systems,” constituted and maintained by borders, border control, and order within states. Not only is this a great policy decision, but it’s a strategic one that puts America first. Why We Need the Border Wall In Foreign Policy , Front Page , Illegal immigration , Immigration , National Security by Allen West November 16, 2018 I find it amazing that the progressive socialist left was able to shift the prevailing narrative of the 2018 midterm elections from the economy and border security. They were arbitrary servants to the invented political idea of the nation state. It’s important to examine some of the broken immigration policies that Congress must immediately address. By contrast, there is a need for … Or someone might develop an ideology sworn to destroy freedom and liberty wherever they find it, making members of that ideology seeking to enter the free country suspect, at best. There is often the question why we need borders? Sometimes this domain is very small, like in a prison cell, at other times you can go from one place to another almost without any confines.
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