Desert Dingo Racing

The quiet before the storm

Shhhh. Daily recaps of the 2010 Dakar start today.

Update: Bob and his engine guy did a leak down test of the engine on Saturday. 20% down on two cylinders and 40% down on the other two. They’ll start stripping the engine down tomorrow and we should be back up to snuff in time for the first race of the 2010 season.

Bob brought his engine guy over to take a look at 1104 yesterday (it’s been a while since we did a tune up on it) and I’m waiting to hear the prognosis. I think I’ll get the sander out and sand off the rust on the light bar and get that painted.

We have some big things planned for 2010. An announcement within the next couple of weeks.

But first, vegging in front of the TV for the Dakar recap. Here’s a phenomenal photo set from the 2009 race.