Richard ripping it up and Bob holding on for dear life during a practice run at last weekend’s VORRA races.
I swear this is my last video from the VORRA series this weekend, unless someone wants bloopers and out takes.
Team meeting tonight at Dingo sommelier “Busboy” Bob’s backyard, complete with BBQ. General consensus, last weekend’s racing went as well as could be expected. We need to get there earlier and practice more. The term “hole shot” was bantied about. Longer term we need a second transmission, to completely rewire the car and label everything this time and sometime before the June race in Reno we need to replace the roof and repaint the car.
As of right this moment, we’ve had 806 downloads of our iPhone and Android apps (which you can download by clicking on the appropriate icon on the right). Recent coverage in DesertNewz and Diabetes Health magazine, and we were apparently included in last week’s episode of Baja Unlimited on the Outdoor Channel. A very unique media story in the works.
Much more to come this weekend.