Desert Dingo Racing

One week to Yerington and we’re largely ready

You can never have too many rusty rims in your front yard.

By this time next week we’ll be in Yerington, Nevada for our first off road race of the season. Another work day tomorrow, but 1107 is in pretty good shape. Most of the rewiring is done. Transmission and engine are in and car fires up under its power.

If there were cell service or Internets at Crusty’s mountain hideaway, I’d live tweet us standing around watching one guy (not me) doing all the work. But tomorrow’s update will be, in the parlance of the business, time-delayed, until I return to civilization.

VORRA organizers are marking the Yerington course this weekend and we should have a GPS file by Monday or Tuesday.

Lookie, three wire wheels later, we got us some more spare rims.