Desert Dingo Racing

We top 5000 downloads of our Desert Dingo Racing iPhone and Adroid app

There are lies, damn lies and statistics
Who are you people?!

For a while there, iPhone downloads had a slight lead but for whatever reason, Android downloads have gone through the roof. Here’s a special shout out to whomever is following us from Campina Grande, Brazil.

Team meeting tomorrow night at Bob’s place. Something interesting might come of it.

There are lies, damn lies and statistics


3 responses to “We top 5000 downloads of our Desert Dingo Racing iPhone and Adroid app”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by desertdingo, desertdingo. desertdingo said: We top 5,000 downloads of our Desert Dingo Racing iPhone and Android apps – . Criminy sakes. […]

  2. Chris

    Any plans for a Dingo Google theme?

  3. Now there’s an idea. That would be cool.