This is about as close as we get to science.
Sometime this morning, probably while I was trying to un-jam the photocopier, we topped 7,000 downloads of the Desert Dingo Racing iPhone, iPad and Android mobile apps. I find this mind-boggling.
So here’s what I’m going to do. For the first 20 people who email me a photo of themselves holding their mobile device showing the DDR app, I’ll snail mail you one of our hero cards. I know this probably requires you to have a camera or you’ll do something creative with a mirror, but what I’m looking for is your face and your mobile device showing the app.
I’d like to publish some of your photos, so you probably don’t want to be in a witness protection program or anything like that.
So take that photo and email it to me at . I’d like to get your first name, city and country you’re in, and maybe a quickie explanation on why on earth you’re following us.
If your photo is particularly creative or funny, I might toss in one of our coveted DDR stickers.
And, lastly, I’ll publish everyone’s first name, city and country in a future blog post and everyone’s name will be carried in the car at our next race.
How’s that?
P.S. If you’re the one person in Durban, South Africa or Horizonte, Brazil, who follows us, and you send in a photo, you’re a guaranteed winner.
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