Kabul’s anti-corruption campaigner Ramazan Bashardost meets Herb-i-Islami, outside the politician’s tent, opposite parliament, in Kabul.
Jerome Starkey is the Times of London correspondent in Kabul. He’s working with a local mechanic to get his ’69 VW Beetle (same as us) on the road. I read everything he writes. You can follow him on the Twitters here.
I’m tempted to put together a CARE package of points, plugs, fuel filters, throttle cables, starter motors, distributors, windshield wipers, assorted lengths of wire, alligator clips, chicken wire and tongue depressors and showing up on his door step to get Herb-i-Islami dialed into tip top shape.
Word has it he has a sofa Roxanne and I can crash on.
Until then, this is the video that, as a co-driver, I aspire to.