Desert Dingo Racing

One week and counting to the 250

The team is working on bump stops today. Richard is putting the finishing touches on the adjustable seat rails. Shawn is rebadging the car 1101. Bob dropped off a spare rim that I’ll get over to Skip’s for the final spare. Here’s the schedule for next week, courtesy of logistics impresario Seth:

FRIDAY, 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM: Registration will be at the Banditos Bar and Grill, across from Tourism Office, on Mar de Cortez Ave.

FRIDAY 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Contingency Row

FRIDAY 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Tech Inspection at the end of Contingency Row.

SATURDAY 6:00 AM: M/C and ATV Start (30 sec. gaps)

SATURDAY 10:00 AM: 4 wheel vehicles start (30 sec. gaps)

We are in starting position 148 (approx) for 4 wheel vehicles, which means we will start our race at approx. 11:14AM, and will have until 11:14 PM to finish.

OK, this doesn’t have anyting to do with Baja, but it’s a great NASCAR commercial. Going to have to find a diecast VW.