Desert Dingo Racing

The last inch takes the other 90% of the time

Dump run

So much for Shawn’s awesome paint job.

Scott, Bob, Crusty and I met up Saturday morning to move the new body over to the old pan on the other side of the county. The body mostly fit in the trailer and there’s nothing that 800 grit sandpaper and a roller brush can’t fix on Shawn’s paint job.

The easiest (and I mean “relatively”)  way to mount a VW body on a car is to cut the body in half, slide the back half on, then repeat with the front half. We needed a cutting torch, sawz-all, crow bar, a smaller crow bar, a couple of hammers and a healthy amount of invective to get the back end in place. The last inch easily took the most time and I’m pretty sure we made cuts in at least nine spots on the car to get it to snug down.

Scott delivered a handful of sleeves we’ll use to re-attach various portions of the roll cage. Things will be coming together pretty quickly moving forward.

Here’s a gallery of roughly 60 photos of different angles of the roll cage and body, among other things.