We’re back from VORRA’s USA 500 and kicking the dust out of everything. Rugged Radio‘s chief of marketing, Matt, sent me a link to the video he put together covering the install of the X5500 VHF radio, VHF wide-band antenna and the RRP660 intercom.
Music via MP3 player (my iPod Shuffle full of the hits of the ’50s, ’60s and ’70s) plus a jack for my iPhone, so I can call the Green Booger on the course at night when it’s lonely and I need someone to talk to. Or order pizza.
Greg and his son, who lives with Type 1 diabetes, do great work with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. And we work with the International Diabetes Federation. We’re working to raise awareness of diabetes and support their outreach and education programs.
The comm worked flawlessly and 1107 can broadcast farther than it ever could before. This is a game changer for us.