Desert Dingo Racing

We’ve got a new logo!

Desert Dingo logo

Max Davis, who’s designed for Nike, Intel, Eli Thomas and the SF 49ers, among others, contacted us to offer his services. His father has Type 2 diabetes and when he heard about us, he dropped me a note. (I’m partial to the World Diabetes Day blue circle logos integrated into the wheels). We’re already investigating t-shirts. Max has also helped me put together a sponsorship proposal and is coming out to the photo shoot this Sunday.

Everything’s coming together and I should have news on an event in San Francisco on June 8 pretty quickly.


2 responses to “We’ve got a new logo!”

  1. Great job on the logo! It’s shaped like a snowglobe, too! In fact, how about creating a snowglobe, but rather than snow, you fill it with dust?