That’s a pumper.
More buttoning up today. Crusty focused on reinforcing the front end, something under the engine and welding supports for the front bumper. I installed the air pumper (which filters and pumps fresh air into our helmets), tested all the radio equipment, zip-tied several miles worth of wiring or tubes, installed the Camelbaks, and together we installed the doors, which is only six screws, but took for freaking ever.
What’s left? Install the Bilstein shocks, which I’m hoping arrive Monday. Put the tires on. Load the spares. Wait for the new or refurbished GPS unit to arrive from Lowrance. Pick up the fuel drum and fill the speed just. Put the car on Crusty’s rat road hauler along with all the spare parts and tools and fuel.
Bob reports he picked up two more fenders (we never have enough) at a Bug show today. He’s coming by tomorrow to start and break in the rebuilt engine. Sometime this week Crusty will install the bumper-mounted driving lights.