This is what awesome sounds like.
1107 has been parked on Crusty’s rat rod car hauler at IndeFab for the past few days. The plan this weekend is for me to meet up with potential new team member Eli, who will follow me to Desert Dingo Racing Operations HQ to unload it, hide the rat rod truck in the bat cave, and drive home.
Emme Hall of Hall Ass Racing has come through with her report of the race. Romy blows us all out of the water because when he sketches out his ideas, he uses a CAD program.
Today I’m unloading three tubs of clothing, food and electronics and eliminating dust. Might go get some spray paint to make our short course rims look spiffy.
Out in the upper pits at the 24, I had a hankering for fried chicken, which mad me remember this commercial.