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 We’ve teamed with the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) in support of its campaign to raise awareness of diabetes issues worldwide.  “World Diabetes Day takes place on 14 November every year and is an official United Nations World Day. World Diabetes Day was introduced by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1991, in response to concern over the escalating incidence of diabetes around the world.

“World Diabetes Day is celebrated worldwide. Numerous local and national events are organized by the member associations of the IDF and by other diabetes representative organizations, healthcare professionals, healthcare authorities, and individuals who want to make a difference. World Diabetes Day unites the global diabetes community to produce a powerful voice for diabetes awareness.”

The DOC (diabetic online community) is active and growing. The online resources listed here are only the tip of the iceberg. There simply are too many blogs, Facebook groups and Twitterers to list, but this is a good start whether you are a PWD (person with diabetes) looking to connect or a person without diabetes interested in learning more. Send suggestions or corrections to

Diabetes kills one person every seven seconds.

This page includes: Our Sponsors | Live Chat | Online Community | Events & Organizations | Other Resources

Our Sponsors

International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
Promoting diabetes care, prevention & a cure worldwide.

World Diabetes Day (WDD)
Let’s take control of diabetes. Now.

Live Chat

Diabetes Social Media Advocacy

  • Twitter: DSMA facilitates a weekly conversation. If you’d like to participate in the live Twitter discussion, follow the hashtag #dsma or follow @DiabetesSocMed or @Diabetic_Iz_Me, every Wednesday at 9PM Eastern time (US). Or open your browser and go to
  • Talk Radio Podcast: DSMA Live is a way to discuss the questions from #dsma’s twitter chat but at a slow pace.  Join us every Thursday at 9PM Eastern Time on Blog Talk Radio. Participate by calling (760) 283-5150 or chatting on the message board. Tune in at Past shows are archived.

Online Communities provides a single-source, unbranded web community for those seeking to actively manage their diabetes.

Diabetic Connect
Diabetic Connect is a social network that empowers people living with diabetes.

Welcome to the leading online diabetes resource. dLife is the place for all aspects of your diabetes lifestyle, offering information and community support for type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and caregivers.

Es Tu Diabetes
The sister site of Tu Diabetes, for the Spanish-speaking community..

Parenting Diabetic Kids
We hope this site offers you a place to join in conversation, stay informed, get support, perhaps cry a little, and hopefully smile a bunch. A community of people touched by diabetes, run by the Diabetes Hands Foundation.

Tu Diabetes
We foster a positive environment where our members support and help each other. We believe the community as a whole will have access to far more information and resource than any particular individual and we want to learn about it.

Community Events & Organizations

Connected in Motion
Connected in Motion’s mission is to foster a community of people living with Type 1 diabetes so that they may inspire one another to live life without limits. We create a culture of support and engagement in diabetes self-management through peer-based experiential diabetes education physical activity and outdoor adventure pursuits.

Diabetes Camps
Click on a US state for a listing of Diabetes Camps in that state.

Diabetes Diplomats
Be the  Hero. Become a Diabetes Diplomat and become a part of the fastest growing community aiming for the cure!

Diabetes Hands Foundation
We actively promote positive and proactive actions to stay healthy while living with diabetes. We encourage the exchange of information and storytelling about diabetes. We value diverse points of view. All people touched by diabetes are welcome.

Diabetes Mine Design Challenge
The DiabetesMine™ Design Challenge is an online competition to encourage creative new tools for improving life with diabetes. Share your innovation for living a better life with diabetes.

Step  Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes
Sponsored by the American Diabetes Association.


Diabetes Mine
Here you’ll find info on every imaginable aspect of living with diabetes – from food scales to pharma news and book reviews, to the exasperating things other people say.

The Joslin Wok
Click on the tab to pick your food group, drag the food into the wok to find out the nutrition info. Developed by the Asian American Diabetes Initiative’s  Joslin Diabetes Center.