Desert Dingo Racing

Baja 1000 logistics meeting today

Blair's Desert Dingo book

We all meet at noon today to work through logistics for the Baja 1000. We were told early on that logistics is 75% of winning the race and I’m coming to believe it. I’ll live Twitter the meeting, so watch for live updates.

But first, check out the unbelievably cool book that Blair created for the team. She’ll be putting more of her creations online, but until then you can check out what she has for sale here.

One of the greatest miscalculations I made last year was expecting that everyone in Mexico spoke English. I’m almost embarrassed to admit it, but my mistake became quite apparent pretty quickly after we got south of Ensenada. It’s a mistake I won’t repeat and I’m now relearning Spanish by listening to a great Spanish language learning series by Michael Thomas.

Julia has also been tremendously helpful, coaching me on some desert-race-specific phrases, including:

Help me flip the car back over” translates as “Por favor aduyame endedicar el coche.”

And then there’s “It seemed like a good idea at the time.” You say: “Parecia una buena idea en el momento.”

and, most importantly:

Es sólo una herida superficial. No le diga a mi esposa.”