Desert Dingo Racing

1107 under wraps

Bob, Crusty, Romy and Kyle came by Sunday while I studiously avoided work by being in Sacramento. They pulled 1107’s engine, transmission, seats and steering box, all of which have been dispersed throughout Santa Cruz and Silicon Valley for teardown.

Bob and Romy report that an initial teardown of the engine indicates we didn’t break a valve (expensive) but instead a valve adjustment screw came loose, causing us to lose power on the last moto of the last race of the season. We’ll refresh this engine and start work on a second, exact duplicate engine to be ready for 2012. Bob is also planning a field trip to MetalCraft in Sanger to have our transmission freshened up and have a second one prepped by master builder Scott Sebastian.

In the mean time Crusty’s working on tightening up the steering box and prepping a complete spare front beam. Until we get the shelter built, 1107 is under wraps in the front yard.