Desert Dingo Racing

2011 VORRA class champions

VORRA hosted its annual rules meeting and awards banquet Dec. 10 at Harveys Resort & Casino in South Lake Tahoe. While I wasn’t success in getting my rule modification “Nerf an 11, spend  night in the box” approved, we did end the evening with the First in Class for short course racing, First in Class for desert racing and 2011 Class 11 champions.

It’s been almost four years to the day that I went to the local video store and rented “Dust to Glory“, pretty much the only DVD we hadn’t seen. Ten minutes into it I turned to Roxanne and said “I have to do this.” The cool thing that came out of this is it wasn’t me at all, but a tremendously smart, talented and driven team of friends, friends of friends, total strangers and our sponsors who got us to the podium this weekend.

Thank you to everyone. Who’s available in November 2012 for a peninsula run at the Baja 1000?