Seriously, it looks like 1107 birthed a race transmission.
A good amount of work done this weekend. Got the majority of the interior painted. White because its easy to find bolts when you drop them in a white interior. And we do that a lot. Crusty got most of the refreshed steering box installed, except for this one thing.
Bob dropped off our heads with a guy to get them massaged after a year of abuse and will be hunting junkyards for two new beams this coming week.
We also got Bob’s shade structure installed, which will be 1107’s winter home. We also mostly got 1107 into it except Crusty and I are old and for the life of us we couldn’t get wheels pointed in the right direction so we basically wadded the car into place and dragged the shade structure over it.
Congratulations to Hall Ass Racing on acquiring a 2/1600 car, “Rooster”. And godspeed to Michele of Courage Gazelles in the coming year.
Most of the following images are me shooting wiring so I can remember how to re-do it once I’m done painting.