Desert Dingo Racing

It’s a good day

We just got word from the International Diabetes Federation that they liked our proposal to do a drive-a-thon fundraiser for diabetes research as part of our Baja 1000 race.

Several Class 11 teams did fundraisers in 2006. Because diabetes is a factor in the lives of several members of the team, we felt we should look on the race as an opportunity to raise money for diabetes research and awareness.

The first World Diabetes Day occurs November, 14, 2007, the first day of the Baja 1000. It’s a perfect synergy.

More on this to come.


One response to “It’s a good day”

  1. IDFSteph

    Hello, my name is Stephanie Tanner, and I work at the International Diabetes Federation (IDF).

    Thank you for posting this blog about working with us. Since you have already been so helpful, I thought you might take a minute to add a banner for World Diabetes Day to your blog.

    You can download the banners here:

    If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to drop me a line at

    Thank you for all you have already done,
    Stephanie Tanner
    IDF – Communications Assistant