Desert Dingo Racing

Nerding out with Desert Dingo

Crusty welding a thing.

More work on the car Sunday. Crusty’s tweaking the rear suspension geometry, probably getting another inch or more of travel out of it. I got the Rugged Radio intercom and radio re-installed and did a test with the handheld. Managed not to short circuit any thing. Reinstalled the air pumper and got it running. And got the battery back in the battery box and re-installed. Crusty also sketched out this thing he wants to make and I scanned and sent it off to Bill Savage, the head tech guy for SCORE. If Bill blesses it, you can pretty much use it anywhere.

The CBCFS Racing guys checked in a few times this weekend. Hoping they might be able to make it down to Felton next weekend to take a look at 1107. Will save them some time on wrapping up their car.

Our high-end camera set up.

Just to get in practice for the race season, I’ve started live broadcasting our work days. It’s mostly Crusty welding on something and me standing around with a cup of coffee watching but, amazingly, people watch this s stuff.

Wunderkit on the iPhone.

Most of what I’m working on now is paperwork, or, more precisely, the elimination thereof. Beta testing an app called Wunderkit. In a nutshell, we should be able to take all our packing lists, process documents and to do lists, load them all in the app and it will automatically push them out to computers, iPads, iPhones and Androids. Now if only they’ll roll out nested workspaces and tasks.

While we were enjoy summer-like weather, our Team PBJ in Colorado had this.

I’d rather be watching this on TV.

And newest Dingo Normal, who just started Tasty Racing (just a side project, she swears), was wrenching on her 24 Hours of Lemons Honda.