Desert Dingo Racing

Methelyne Chloride

Since it was 110 degrees out and we weren’t going to be able to make it up to the surprise birthday party in San Francisco, I figured this would be a perfect day to start stripping 1117 in preparation for the art car contest.

The guy at Felton Hardware recommended this stuff that folks use to strip paint off jets. “Should be plenty good for VWs,” I figured.

Watching paint dry is the definition of boring, but watching paint eaten alive by methelyne chloride is the textbook definition of awesome. Either Charlie (from whom I bought 1117) used some really cheap paint or methelyne chloride is the most amazing chemical ever. It stripped the paint as quickly as I could roller the stuff on. It tried to eat a hole in the plexiglass windshield. It nearly ate a hole in my leg. And for the next couple of weeks, I’ll be driving the ugliest car in Santa Cruz County.

Here’s a joke I made up while applying the stuff to the roof.

“Knock, knock.”

“Who’s there?

“Methelyne Chloride.”

“Methelyne Chloride who?”

“I’m getting a little woozy. I think I need to sit down.”

I’m off to Drew’s Used Tools tomorrow to pick up a rotary sander.

A handful of photos here.