Desert Dingo Racing

A Dingo Chrestomathy 2

We have a similar color scheme at least.

A few weeks ago I went on a rant about some white truck driving around Scotts Valley with “1107 Chase” on a side window and I had no idea who it was. (For the uninitiated, 1107 is our car and any support vehicle must have “1107 Chase” on it to designate it as an official support vehicle).

My associate Dick Paquette pointed out that we don’t have a lock on the 1107 designation, as shown in the following images that I’m sure he googled.

I am thankful Carrol Shelby never heard of Class 11. 75 hp?! Srsly?

Emerson Fittipaldi with a two-engined VW? Who can compete with that? Kenyon Whetsel is freaking me out.

If you didn’t watch the 24 Hours of LeMans, this video captures the drive that every racer in every motorsport brings to what they do. In LeMans, if you walk away from the car a certain distance, you are out of the race. Satoshi Motoyama spent two hours trying to get the Nissan DeltaWing sufficiently roadworthy to get it back to the pits. He couldn’t do it. At the 2008 Baja 1000, I had to radio Weatherman and say we were out of the race. When the team, who’d worked for two hours to get 1107 running again, heard that, we all hung our heads.

Holy crap. The Tijuana Bugfest.

Lastly, congratulations to Julie Pierce, who has served as a nurse at SCORE races, in her first race with her truck ever on Tuesday.