Desert Dingo Racing

Night Vision 250 Photos

Off the line at the Bill Lott Memorial Night Vision 250.

Dennis and Deb made it back to Ensenada and shipped me their photos from the VORRA Night Vision 250, which we won. Great stuff here.

Crusty reports 1107 is good to go for the last race of the season – the Prairie City short course double-header Halloween Weekend.

Made the decision this week after confabbing with the team that we’ll skip the Baja 1000 this year, use the off season to work on a couple of race project and hit the 1000 again in 2013, which I’m hoping it will be a loop course (a lot more affordable to race).

I think, in advance of Prairie City, I’m going to make everyone watch this NASCAR commercial:

Ok, here are Dennis’ photos from the race.