Desert Dingo Racing

First day in Las Vegas for the Mint 400

Carrie signs autographs for some of her biggest fans.

Creech, Richard, Skid and I drove overnight from Felton to Vegas, pulling somewhere around 5 a.m. Got a couple hours of sleep, wrenched on the car for a bit and then piled into Creech’s 4WD truck to pre-run the Mint 400 course.

We cried surrender after 15 miles of kidney-slapping driving over dirt roads, river beds, silt and other detritus.

That evening we hauled the car into town and set up show with a good number of other teams on Fremont Street for the fan meet ‘n greet. We got Scott and Carrie suited up signing the last of our hero cards and handing out boxes of crayons given to us by the International Diabetes Federation that have the warning signs of diabetes printed on the back. (We are, as you recall, the official World Diabetes Day race car in the Baja 1000).

Here’s a gallery of photos from the meet ‘n greet.


2 responses to “First day in Las Vegas for the Mint 400”

  1. Mace



  2. skid

    Is that Chad Vader?