Ziv Marom flies his Cinestar 8 multicopter at Burning Man 2012.
Ziv, CEO and founder of ZM Interactive out of San Francisco will be joining us for the VORRA Prairie City short course double header Halloween weekend Oct. 26-28 and we thing it’s going to result in some awesome video.
Gizmodo writer Brent Rose did a piece on Ziv and a Burning Man camp that scanned and generated 3D printed models of burners and delivered them via a GPS-enabled multicopter. Nothing ever works exactly as planned but that they were able to pull it off out in the desert is pretty amazing.
Here’s some fantastic video he captured on the playa this year.
Watch this in HD if you have the option to. This embedded version doesn’t do it justice.
I’m already working on a driver’s line up for Prairie City. Jen Frederick and Dave’s girlfriend Carmen will definitely be doing the Power Puff race and Toby – who we found on Craigslist – will get his first stint behind the wheel in the mechanic’s race. Assuming things go as planned, we’ve got second place in season points wrapped up. There, I’ve jinxed it.
Lastly, the teaser for the 2012 Mint 400 has been released. This is the only race where I actually lost my temper and threw a fender over a cliff.