Desert Dingo Racing

The home stretch

Toby is wired

Shitty jobs

Stuart, the new guy gets all the crappy jobs.

Today’s crew included Stuart, who will be running a chase truck for us, Toby, who focused on electrical, Crusty and Dave, who welded, and me, who mostly sat in a lawn chair working on the computer.

Tire nachos

Tire nachos, courtesy of Roxanne.

The fuel cell container – which has taken a bit longer than we expected – is completed. Still need to run the fill hose and the vent, but I’ve been assured that will go quickly.


Toby takes time out from wiring the driving lights to turn a perfectly good pair of jeans into a sketchy pair of jorts.

Stuart powered through painting all the wheels in blue until he was overcome by fumes. I followed through and shot them with rattle can rustoleum and they’re looking pretty good. Stuart also handled touchups on the interior.


Dave keeps track of what’s left to be done.

I honestly think the car will be ready for the engine (which Toby is working on now), by next weekend. We may actually get some testing in.