Desert Dingo Racing

Baja 1000 prep begins

600AToby and Romy working on the front beam.

Rosh, Romy, Toby and I met at Wallentine Motorsports Sunday morning to begin final prep of 1107 for the Baja 1000 in November. (Brian and Tom were delivering a brand new Class 11 to Greg Cottrell of Rugged Radios in Arroyo Seco).

The goal for the day was putting the finishing touches on the first of two beams we’ll take down with us and add cylinder heat temperature and air/fuel mixture sensors and gauges.  Once we get everything bolted back in place we’ll do the first of two test weekends at the test track north of Sparks, Nevada.


A closer look at Toby’s improvised hearing protection.


Rosh installed the Bilsteins in the back.


Brian Wallentine invested in a Port-a-Cool swamp cooler that’s bigger than my first apartment.


It doesn’t pay to be the first one here if you don’t have the shop key.


My office.