Desert Dingo Racing

2015 Press Coverage

Going the Extra Mile
SCORE Journal, December issue
At a race like the SCORE Baja 1000, it’s a big deal for someone in Class 11 to simply finish within the allotted time of 33 hours. It’s a challenge few will ever attempt as this class is also one of the most physically challenging. At the 48th Bud Light SCORE Baja 1000, a group of Class 11 racers knew by midway through the course, that they would not finish within the allotted time. Yet, they continued on knowing that the fanfare of cheers
and waving flags wouldn’t be waiting for them at the end.

Overcoming Baja adversity in 1970 VW Beetle, 2015-12-14
n our battered and beaten up 1970 VW Beetle we had a plan for the Baja. The Baja laughed! Actually, I think it just scoffed nonchalantly.


Previewing the 2015 Baja 1000, November 20, 2015
For the world’s off-roading community mid-November in Mexico is the time and place for the one and only Baja 1000, undoubtedly one of the greatest motorsport events in the world.

Mag-7 Pit Service Sponsors Desert Dingo Racing for Baja 1000
November 15, 2015, Ensenada, Mexico – Desert Dingo Racing announced today that Mag-7 Pit Service will be sponsoring the Class 11 team for this year’s SCORE Baja 1000 taking place Nov. 19-21. Mag-7 will be providing Desert Dingo’s 1969 VW Beetle with pit service support during the 840-mile, 34-hour race which begins Nov. 20 in Ensenada on the Baja Peninsula.

Press release
November 5, 2015, Felton, Calif. — Desert Dingo Racing announced today that Fibercraft has signed on to sponsor the team’s sixth run at the Baja 1000, which takes place November 19-21 in Baja California, Mexico.
12190852_10153236828917799_8805416404895905920_nFly the 2015 Baja 1000

Race Dezert, November 2, 2015
If you’re sitting at home, dreaming of pre-running in Baja, here’s your best shot.  SCORE released the preliminary GPS file of the 2015 Baja 1000 and we’ve been flying the course via Google Earth thanks to our friends at Desert Dingo Racing.  They tipped us how to use Google Earth to sit back and follow the entire Baja 1000 course from an aerial view.

October 10, 2015, Felton, Calif. —
Desert Dingo Racing announced today that BK Auto has signed on to sponsor the team’s sixth run at the Baja 1000, which takes place November 19-21 in Baja California, Mexico.

Racing a full size sand scorcher
Volks World, November Issue (UK)
Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6


Baja 1000 and NORRA
VW Magazine, August-October Issue (Australia)
Page 1, Page 2, Page 3

Wuster Kafer
4×4 Action – Das Magazin fur Echte Auffordre, August Issue (Germany)

Dobre stluceny brouk
Off Road 4×4 Magazin, July Issue (Czech Republic)

600tobyunderpantsDesert Dingo Racing featured on Grip TV coverage of the Mint 400 July, 2015
Desert Dingo Racing is featured in German RTL Grip TV’s coverage of the Mint 400 off road desert race in March.

July 12, 2015
Desert Dingo Racing gets a few seconds of screen time in NBC’s coverage of the 2015 Mint 400.

Un Bicho Bien Aplastado: El Equipo Desert Dingo Corre la Baja 1000
Terreno Extremo, Issue 42
En este pequeno planeta que bailamos, así como en las paginas de Terreno Extremo, no es nada raro ver de vez en cuando al orgulloso bueno de un VW Beetle. Por un lado están aquellos dedicados a preservar íntegramente sus venerables maquinas, puliendo sus aros y sacándolos de las casa solo los fines de semana soleados. En el otro extremo están aquellos que les gusta reventar todas las ventanas, arrancar los interiores y lanzarse a corer en uno de los eventos de off-road mas duros del mundo, como es la Baja 1000.

600Heavy Metal Affliction – Desert Dingo Racing Part Two
March 26, 2015
Welcome to Part Two of the of the Heavy Metal Affliction interview with Desert Dingo Racing’s co-founder Jim Graham. Last week Graham told us what it takes to get into Class 11 racing, and just how hard it is to compete in a nearly stock VW Bug that is some forty years old. This week Graham breaks down some more of the details of actually running in the Baja 1000. It’s not as simple as just showing up, suiting up and hitting the track, as you will find out.

Heavy Metal Affliction – Desert Dingo Racing
March 19, 2015
Car addiction takes many forms, and for some, you may not even know how bad you have it until something triggers a response. For Jim Graham of Desert Dingo Racing, that trigger was the classic petrol head film Dust to Glory. After watching those desert heroes take on the rigors of the longest desert race in the world (the Baja 1000), he was hooked.


Stay rock steady with new Forza Horizon 2 DLC
This is xBox, MARCH 3, 2015
The latest in a line of Forza Horizon 2 DLC car packs has been released and features a host of new vehicles, all with a common theme running through it. Up for your delectation this month is the Rockstar Energy Car Pack which features the following new cars to add to your ever-growing garage.


Forza Horizon 2’s Rockstar Energy Car Pack Includes Tanner Foust’s VW Beetle
xBox Achievements, March 03, 2015
Forza Horizon 2 has a new DLC car pack out now, offering up Tanner Foust’s yellow and red 2014 Global Rallycross VW Beetle, alongside another five new rides to add to your bulging garage of desirable metal lumps. There’s another Forza first in the Rockstar Energy Car Pack too, with the 1970 VW Desert Dingo #1107 Baja Bug.

Forza Horizon 2 – Rockstar Energy Car Pack out now
CONNECTED – Digital World, March 3, 2015
The new Rockstar Energy Car Pack is now out for Forza Horizon 2 on Xbox One. The Rockstar Energy Pack includes an array of cars that are just waiting for their chance to kick up a cloud of dust. Built for the dirt-filled circuits of the Red Bull Global Rallycross series, Tanner Foust’s Global Rallycross 2014 Volkswagen Beetle GRC is an ideal mixture of pure power and serious grip. In the woods or on the road, the newest Subaru WRX STI is ready for action; for luxury cruising there is no match for the “Ultimate Driving Machine,” the BMW 850CSI.

Forza Horizon 2: Rockstar Energy Car Pack Released
Segment Next, March 3, 2015
The Rockstar Energy Car Pack is now available for Forza Horizon 2 on the Xbox One, and can be purchased from the Xbox Live Store for $4.99. Before heading into the vehicles that come with the pack, the free car for the month of March is the Acura Integra Type-R, “a high-revving, front-wheel-drive masterpiece that will have many JDM fanboys jumping for joy.”

February 16, 2015
Ein VW-Käfer und das härteste Off-Road-Rennen der Welt
Desert Dingo Racing hat noch nie das Baja 1000 gewonnen, geschweige denn überhaupt die Ziellinie erreicht. Das Baja 1000 ist das längste durchgehende Off-Road-Rennen der Welt und die Desert Dingos gehören zu einer Handvoll Teams, die in der sogenannten Class 11 antreten—die besteht komplett aus VW-Käfern von vor 1982. Gegründet wurde Desert Dingo Racing vom Burning Man-Pressesprecher Jim Graham und inzwischen sind die Dingos zu einem buntgemischten Haufen geworden, vom 63-jährigen, gras-rauchenden Dennis „Crusty” Lange bis hin zum launischen Qaudbike-Enthusiasten Gil Medrano. Jeden November macht sich die Truppe auf und versucht, das quasi Unmögliche zu schaffen. Das Ganze ist fast so, als würde man in einem Schlauchboot eine Segelregatta gewinnen wollen.

February 11, 2015
Taking on the World’s Most Difficult Off-Road Race in a VW Bug
Desert Dingo Racing has never won the Baja 1000. They’ve never even finished. The Baja 1000 is the longest continuous off-road race in the world and the Desert Dingoes are one of only a handful of teams that race it in Class 11—the racing term for stock pre-1982 Volkswagen Beetles. The brainchild of Burning Man spokesman Jim Graham, the Dingoes are an eclectic bunch, from weed-smoking 63-year-old Dennis “Crusty” Lange to heating and cooling man and quad enthusiast Gil Medrano. What they set out to accomplish each November is a nearly impossible task. It’s like trying to win the America’s Cup in a blowup raft.