Desert Dingo Racing

A Dingo Chrestomathy

So it’s the weekend and a lot of stuff is going on. Here’s a wrap up.

Friday night. Helmet wash night. Diane Neimand, who always beat me out for high school drama roles, gets all up in my grill about doing it in the the kitchen sink.

We also got a new batch of Desert Dingo Racing coffee mugs in for folks who’ve helped us out a lot. They were very popular. If, for some reason, you want walk around in a bathrobe drinking coffee out of one these bad boys, email me at and I’ll send you the link where you can order one.

If you actually do order one (or a t-shirt, or a water bottle or a baby jumper, or a dog warmer, or a baby tee), take a picture of yourself sporting it, email it to me, and I’ll post it on the blog.

The Yerington 300 is two weeks out and the first step is piling stuff in front of 1107. I’d like to thank the skunk that lives under our storage shed for having a freakout this weekend about 20 feet from where this photo was taken.

This pile of lumber, which is three feet from the aforementioned storage shed, will transmogrify into a shade structure that a dust devil can not turn into scrap metal, like what happened at Fallon last year.

Thanks to newest Desert Dingo Racing team member Khaled Mabrouk for putting us on the path toward streamlined processes. Crusty slogged through organizing four boxes of nuts and bolts. Bob is cataloging tool and parts bags. I’m doing first aid and pit kit. And electronics and camping equipment.

Dave is putting the finishing touches on his Group T El Camino. I’m expecting it to look like this:

And be totally doing this all the time:

Lastly, I spotted Dingo Emeritus Charlie Reynolds driving his bright yellow Baja Bug (the one with the air scoop on the roof) in Scotts Valley. I texted him and he responded.