Desert Dingo Racing

A VW driving tour of Kabul

Fellow VW enthusiast (and Times of London Afghanistan correspondent) Jerome Starkey picked up a ’69 VW Beetle to get around town for his job. It was running a tad rough and I suggested he order a copy of “How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive: A Manual of Step-by-Step Procedures for the Compleat Idiot.” He has christened his Beetle Herb-i-Islami.

He also lucked out in finding a mechanic in Kabul who’s worked on VWs for more than 40 years. Jerome has filmed a driving tour of Kabal that’s just fantastic. You can see it here:

Jerome has done some phenomenal reporting – his بیضه ها are as big as my mullet. Check out his blog and news coverage here. He’s also working to free an Afghan woman jailed for adultery after being raped. You can read the story and sign the petition here. Please.