Desert Dingo Racing

Author: admin

  • One week to the Mint 400 and counting

    Richard works on making our steering situation legal for SNORE and the Mint 400

    The sound (and smell) of precision.

    Major work day in preparation for our Wednesday night departure for Las Vegas and the Mint 400.

    Started with a team meeting to iron out last minute details. Scott will drive the first 100 mile leg with co-driver Carrie. Richard will drive the second leg with Creech as co-driver. Bob will drive the third leg and I’ll co-drive. SNORE rules require that the driver of record (Richard) either start or finish the race, so at the last checkpoint prior to the finish line, Bob will hop out, Richard will take over driving and we’ll get the checkered flag.

    All the logistics are in place, except for those things that you decide when you’re on the scene. We’ll do finishing work on the car Monday and maybe Tuesday and we’re on the road to Vegas Wednesday at 7 p.m. Pacific time.

    Some photos from today’s work.

  • Mint 400 team meeting tomorrow

    Team meeting Sunday, 11 a.m. Pacific Time. Working final logistics for the Mint 400 and a lot of work to do on the car.

    Yes, we have drum brakes. We do, at least, use brass lined brake shoes that, once they warm up, stop us a little shorter.

  • Line up for the Mint 400 announced

    Hunter S. Thompson

    Cursed road hooligan “Uncle” Ed Mahoney posted the starting lineup for Stock VWs (with his own commentary) for the upcoming Mint 400 in Vegas. As it stands we’re fifth off the line:

    #1121 Garey Leavitt (Clean Air, Welcome Back Kotter)

    #1106 Jeff Lee (Doing Good For Dogs, Eating Light Dust)

    #1111 Felipe Neri Sanchez (Fast At BAP But Can’t Drive “25”)

    #1101 Robert C. Johnson (Going For Two In Row)

    #1107 Richard Palasik (Look Out For Reckless Drivers)

    #1167 Scott Goodwin (When You Say Bugweiser, You’ve Said It All)

    #1191 Dave Cote (Pump Gas, Go Fast)

    #1102 Cory Vandermark (Hope He Makes It)

    #1100 Eddy Mahoney (Won’t Go Far In New Car)

    #1188 Mark Murrell (Smashing Ed’s Bumper By Mile 2)

    Boogity, Boogity, Boogity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Richard and Bob made a run to Bradford Racing Products in Prunedale and returned like conquering heros, bringing with them a replacement steering column, steering wheel, steering shaft, steering box, a Pitman arm (whatever that is), some extra long tie rods, three more fenders, a spare rear bumper and a front brake drum.

    We’re hoping to get our remanufactured shocks back from Bilstein by Saturday so we can do a major team meeting and work day on Sunday.

  • 2140 just means she’s big boned

    She has a good personality.

    Richard and I took 1107 to the Ben Lomond Transfer Station today because they’ve got the closest truck scale. Needed to weigh the car for several reasons. One is that we have a toy hauler and the car needs to fit in it. A.J. also went nuts and bought a 28′ used U-Haul truck (more on that later), and there’s one other thing that might require the car to be shipped across country (more on that later, too).

    Your stock ’69 VW weighs in at around 1650 pounds. Because we’re still prepping for our next race, Richard and I (mostly Richard) had to cram two spare tires (one in the passenger seat, and two unattached fenders (sticking out the rear window frame) onto the car when it rolled onto the scales.

    A lighter car has more power. It can get through silt without bogging down. It can run down Trophy Trucks. Ok, maybe not s much the last one.

    Or, as Shawn says, “Every 100 pounds is good for 1/10th off the quarter mile and there are 4,000 quarter miles in the Baja 1000.”

    I don’t know what that means, but it sounds good. Here are a handful of shots from our trip.

    Two weeks to the Mint 400.

  • Airborne at the Baja 1000 redux

    Scott qualifying for his pilot's license at the Baja 1000 2008

    Scott qualifying for his pilot’s license at the 2008 Baja 1000.

    Just ordered a couple of print copies of these photos from Trackside Photo. Jim Ober and his team are some of the best shooters who cover all the major races.

    I’ll be out of town, but the team meets on Sunday to continue prep work on the car for the Mint 400 coming up March 26-29 in Vegas.

    Here’s what’s on the to do list, courtesy of Busboy Bob:

    Spare for trailer -Skid
    Shock sent back to Bilstien – Richard
    Tie Rod repair and improvement – Scott
    2x new rear tires – Richard
    Move transponder bracket – Scott/Richard
    Repair front fender mount – Bob & Scott
    Oil Change – Bob
    Valve Check – Bob
    Air Filter Check/clean – Creech
    Make all hardware metric – Creech/Scott
    Skid plate made into 1 piece/fix – Scott
    Move air pump switch – Shawn
    Inspect/replace/ grease wheel bearings –
    New Zerts – Bob
    Lower front seat – Creech/Richard
    Cheap shock spares – Bob
    Blue/Amber lights – sCary
    Spark plug check – Bob
    Power wash car –
    Paint fenders – Shawn
    Clean seats –
    Ball joint replacement –
    Tool Bag – Bob

    With Scott’s additions:

    Portable power washer for track
    Portable air compressor for track
    Fix the brushes on that damnable angle grinder
    Gaffer tape for in-car toolbag
    Rear-facing camera mount
    Appoint camera czar
    Source half-axles and bus CV spares.
    Wire brush for toolkit
    Source spare studded drum
    Fab & weld footbrace for navigator

    Our own version of Dust to Glory at the 2008 Baja 1000