We pulled in to San Luis Obispo for a few minutes to hook up with Greg Cottrell of Rugged Radios who changed out a faulty comm unit in Richard’s helmet. His father raced Class 11 back in the 70s.
Ok, I’m going to admit this isn’t particularly interesting. In the hurry up and wait world of Baja racing, this is the “wait” part. Things sort of pick up at 1:14.
Desert Dingo Racing, the team who have entered the official World Diabetes Day race car in the Baja 1000 off-road race later this month, recently took the car to Holly Oak Elementary School in San Jose, California to give the children a hands-on lesson in desert racing. Students in Ms. Battistella’s fourth grade class got the opportunity to add a little colour to the car, dipping their hands in red, blue or gold paint and pressing them to the car’s fenders.
I accidently left the digital still camera at home, so decided to capture the final night of prep on the car with video. Richard, Dennis and I made a run up to Auburn to retrieve the trailer. Shawn completed the last of the painting and graphics. Bob, Scott and Cary did final buttoning up and then began pulling together all the spare parts and tools we’d be taking down with us. Elektra is headed to Sonoma today to pick up fuel cans we’re borrowing again from World Motorsports. Charlie even dropped by.
The car moves from San Jose to Felton this afternoon and we head out for Mexico at the crack of dawn Thursay.
Shawn and I (again, mostly Shawn) got started putting on sponsor decals and our numbers tonight. We needed to do some touch up on the paint, so we’ll finish it off tomorrow, after Richard and I return from Auburn with the trailer.