Desert Dingo Racing

Author: admin

  • 29 days and counting

    Shawn lounges on a cruise ship with a blue drink.*

    I spent the evening with Seth “Blue Cross” Schrenzel tonight in San Francisco. In addition to providing our chase vehicle, being an emergency room nurse (who will quickly tire of my “Seth, it hurts when I do this” joke), he’s also a master logistician and has begun pulling together a plan to ensure we’ve got everything covered from start to finish.

    The car will be largely done by October 26 when Crusty and Rich haul it down to Southern California for a preliminary inspection by SCORE. After that, it’s paint and tweaking.

    *Shawn is actually working very hard and this is an old photo of him that I’ve been looking for an opportunity to post.

  • Work Day Twelve

    Wasabi supervises Skid as he buttons up the rear suspension.

    The UPS truck is making nearly daily stops with equipment for the car. More work on the roll cage this weekend, along with work on the suspension. Seats are due any day. We’ve scheduled a meeting with SCORE on October 26 in SoCal to give the car an inspection. It’s coming together.

    Photos from Saturday’s work day are here.

  • Donaldson lends us a hand

    Donaldson Company, Inc., is a leading worldwide provider of filtration systems and replacement parts. The company is providing us with an industrial air cleaner and filter for the race engine.

  • Work Day Eleven – All hands on deck

    In this episode of “Pimp My ’69 Beetle”, Richard measures a side impact bar for the roll cage.

    The roll cage is coming together, transmission is installed, Eric has finished the engine and it’s ready to pick up. Here are some photos from Saturday’s work day.

  • Follow us via Twitter

    If things go as planned, we’ll be providing real-time updates during the race. You can subscribe to our Twitter stream by going to