Desert Dingo Racing

Author: admin

  • Work day coming up

    We’ve got another work day coming up this Sunday. Shawn can’t make it because he’ll be in Cozumel and other swanky places, but to get his fix he watched “Dust to Glory” and IM’d me.

    Shawn: “we are losing our dash board”
    Shawn: thats priceless
    Shawn: this is a frikken dream come true for me, i use to watch BAJA and dirt racing when i was little.
    Shawn: and always wanted to go and do it

    Jim: funny, and I just got the idea to do it from watching the DVD. “Hey, that would be a cool thing to do.”

    Shawn: i love racing, always have. I always dreamed about landing the contract.
    Shawn: like i would be out driving karts with friends, someone would be like “you’re a good driver, come and try out”
    Shawn: going around turns is fun, going around turns fast is even more fun
    Shawn: off road driving is a blast
    Shawn: i just like motorsports

    I like the commercials they show when I watch NASCAR on TV

  • It’s a good day

    We just got word from the International Diabetes Federation that they liked our proposal to do a drive-a-thon fundraiser for diabetes research as part of our Baja 1000 race.

    Several Class 11 teams did fundraisers in 2006. Because diabetes is a factor in the lives of several members of the team, we felt we should look on the race as an opportunity to raise money for diabetes research and awareness.

    The first World Diabetes Day occurs November, 14, 2007, the first day of the Baja 1000. It’s a perfect synergy.

    More on this to come.

  • Naval Jelly and a new transmission

    Fun with power tools.

    I missed Saturday’s work day thanks to a cold, but Cary reported in:

    Shawn came over. He went and bought Naval Jelly to kill rust with. He also got an awesome wire wheel to remove the undercoating with. So we stripped the pan down even more.

    Elecktra came out to help and worked on the backing plates for the front brakes. I took over where Shawn left off after he went home. He hasn’t had a day off in 21 days. I went to Bugformance and spent a while learning about front trailing arms and transmissions. Bob has a tranny from a 72 Super Beetle that is a single side cover (it is a stronger case) and as luck will have it it will fit our car!

    I also couldn’t leave Bugformance without leaving some money there so I bought us brake shoes and a hardware kit for the front end.

    Check out photos from the day’s work.

  • Website goes live

    Roxanne put in double duty to get the website live today. Check it out:

  • Working on Father’s Day

    Note Cary attempting to set his pants on fire with the grinder.

    It being Father’s Day, we had a light crew on Sunday but made good progress. Cary installed the second King Kong adjuster on the front suspension, Charlie muscled the seat rails off the body and I scraped sound-deadening tar off the pan. The one benefit of it being oppressively hot was that the tar was a tad softer.

    The good news is that the car is completely stripped and we now begin the process of rebuilding, probably starting work on the roll cage next week.

    A handful of photos from Sunday’s work.