Desert Dingo Racing

Author: admin

  • Represent

    My next post will summarize Eric (nine-time Baja 1000 Class 11 winner) Solorzano’s advice in our phone conversation, but before I get to that, this came in the mail.

    The Stig rocks and I was kicking myself for missing the opportunity to order this shirt online after the Top Gear goes to America show aired.

    I watched eBay (and even to no avail). In desperation I emailed the show. Hugh from Amber Promotions responded and said they’d kept a few back for the “pleaders”. I laid it on thick. I promised to wear it in media interviews (and I will).

    Whomever co-drives with me will be listening to Robert Parker audiobooks.

  • We’re in it to win it

    How to describe today? Bought 1117 from Charlie. We have a full up race car and will likely run it on a MORE race in June. And spent 40 minutes on the phone with Eric Solorzano, the nine-time winner of Class 11 at the Baja 1000.

    We have a lot of work in front of us. Eric has offered to let us go over his car and teach us what we need to know about racing. We’re already pricing flights to San Diego.

    It’s like having Mario Andretti invite us over for dinner, or, as Charlie said, like “Having Michael Jordan teach you how to shoot hoops.”

    This is going to happen.

    (More on my call with Eric as soon as I type up my notes.)

  • What’s in a name?….err…number?

    We had some discussion about car numbers over the weekend. While we have super secret code names (DS-1, DS-2 etc). We need official car numbers to race. I pinged the Class 11 Coalition forums and so far the info is pick one and hope for the best. In looking at a few of the pics on various Class 11 sites I get an idea of what is likely taken. So far I’ve seen cars with 1101, 1110, 1111, 1146, 1169, 1183, 1189, etc.

    I looked up some police radio codes and found some good candidates. I’m partial to 1125 (Traffic Hazard!)

    11-24 Abandoned automobile.
    11-25 Traffic hazard.
    11-48 Furnish transportation.
    11-54 Suspicious vehicle.
    11-71 Fire.
    11-85 Tow truck required.

    Anyone else have ideas?


  • Work Day Two – Stripping the car down

    While it may not look like Cary, Skid and new guy Shawn were working very hard at the moment (we were visiting Ishikawa Racing and Mark Ishikawa), we actually accomplished a good amount today.

    More work on stripping down the pan to get rid of the sprayed on gunk (needed to ID any rust or areas we need to reinforce.)

    After cleaning, we stopped by the Ishikawa Racing shop. Mark’s made his shop available to us for anything we need to do. At this point, Cary borrowed a sandblasting tool and will go to work on the brake drums.

    Shawn joins us. He has the fastest car among us – a souped up Corvette.

    Probably will be some interesting news next week. Some photos from today’s work day here.

  • Front end work

    Well, the good news is. . .well, there is no good news. The left front spindle (axle) is bent. The drum brake drums are too rusted to use, right on the edge of spec and no larger than 9.114. Damn! OK the good news is we started welding the spot welded seams on the front beam, the temporary seat frame is built and ready to install.