Desert Dingo Racing

Author: admin

  • The team expands

    This from Cary’s buddy Scott – mad scientist, burner, machinist, motorcycle racer (on and off road), etc.

    “I watched Dust to Glory in Baja this week and I’m totally not hooked. I did 70 miles of dirt at 50-70 mph and I could never get relaxed despite repeated tequila application. Perhaps a steering damper would help, if I were smacked about the brain stem with it. The thought of being passed in those conditions is freakish. And class 11? Pick something hard why don’t you. I’m in.”

  • And You Shall Know Us by the Trail of Parts*

    “Dust to Glory” is behind all this. I saw it and told Skid to watch it. Then Skid and I got together with Cary and he was in. Roxanne signed on as Team Manager to keep us in line.

    And so it begins.

    We’ve read everything we could find on the Web and the consistent question we’ve seen is “What does it cost to race Class 11?” So we’ll keep a running total of what we’ve laid out to campaign a car.

    Costs to date:

    Vehicle and parts

    • Project vehicle (sans engine, tranny and steering wheel) – $175


    • Tow dolly – $60

    Marketing stuff

    • Web domain and server space – $129 for the year

    Complying with SCORE

    • SCORE Rules & Regs Book – $29.56

    We’re starting to tell our friends and they’re behind us. We have an amazing group of talented folks who, for whatever reason, are willing to lend their talents.

    Total expenditures to date: $393.56

    * I totally stole the title from Jalopnik.