Desert Dingo Racing

Author: Jim

  • “It looks like Jelly Bellies racin’ out there”

    Car cam video from the first moto at last weekend’s “Bug Invasion I” at Prairie City, California.

    We had green, red, white and silver VW Beetles racing the VORRA series this past weekend and a good time was had by all, apparently including the race fans. One of them came up to me afterward and said “It looks like Jelly Bellies racing out there.”

    Team meeting this Thursday night and probably a work day this weekend. More video to come.

  • Desert Dingo Racing launches mobile apps for the iPhone and Android

    APRIL 19, 2010, Felton, Calif. — Desert Dingo Racing announced today that it has released mobile applications for the iPhone and Android phones that will allow race fans to stay up to date on the team activities during their busy race season.

    “We’re pretty sure we’re one of the first off road racing teams to launch their own mobile applications,” said team co-founder Jim Graham. “Volkswagen did one specifically for the Touaregs racing Dakar, but I wanted to create something folks could use to follow us year ‘round.

    The apps aggregate the team’s Twitter feed, blog posts, Youtube videos and Flickr photo galleries. They also give users the opportunity to add their comments and check out other users around the world. The applications can be downloaded from the Desert Dingo Racing website.

    Desert Dingo Racing campaigns a 1969 Volkswagen Beetle in off road races in the U.S. and Mexico. The team is the official World Diabetes Day off road race team and works with the International Diabetes Federation to raise money for diabetes education and awareness programs. Two Desert Dingo team members have Type 2 diabetes and several other team members have a history of the disease in their families. The team makes the car available for public events and distributes thousands of hero cards with the warning signs of diabetes printed on the back in English and Spanish.

    “We’re not the fastest car in the desert but we’re probably one of the most high tech,” Graham said. “We were one of the first to use Twitter at the Baja 1000 in 2007 and last year we were the only team using electroluminescent number panels from TrailGlow and a satellite tracking and messaging system from EMS Sky Connect.”

    The iPhone app is available for download here and the Android version is available for download here.
    Read the entire press release here.

  • Bug Invasion I is a wrap – Congrats to 1177 and Bob Messer

    Bob Messer displaying the $20 cash money, 12-pack of PBR and the fabulous recycled bowling trophy he got for dominating Bug Invasion I in No. 1177

    Back and sunburned from Bug Invasion I. Try as we might, we couldn’t flip 1107. We did DNF twice with blown fuse and fan belt issues, but “Bullet” Bob Russell got third place in the second moto. The great thing about racing Class 11 is the camaraderie (also the breakfast burritos, polish sausage, ribs and tri-tip).

    I’ve got video from all three races that I’ll be posting shortly. For now you’ll have to settle with a photo gallery.

    Lastly, thanks to everyone involved with VORRA for being so supportive of the return of Class 11s.

    P.S. Watch for “Bug Invasion II – The Bugs Strike Back” in 2011.

  • Winchester Auto Soquel Sponsors Desert Dingo Racing 2010 Off-Road Racing Seas

    APRIL 16, 2010, Soquel, Calif. —Winchester Auto Soquel announced today that it is sponsoring Desert Dingo Racing’s 2010 off road racing season, including the Baja 1000 in Mexico in November 2010.

    ‘We love racing and we’re longtime supporters of local race teams,” said Winchester Auto Soquel manager Mark Froling. “We understand that people are looking for good prices and good advice and we’re proud to be teaming with Desert Dingo Racing.”

    “We’re doing nine races this season and that means we’re going to be breaking a lot of parts,” said Desert Dingo crew chief Richard Palasik. “Mark and his team at Winchester Auto help keep us in the running and we really appreciate their support.”

    Read the entire press release here…

  • Trophy for this weekend’s Bug Invasion I

    I’m starting to pull everything together for this weekend’s Bug Invasion I. Just got the first place trophy back from Brinks. It looks great and will look super fabulous on someone’s mantle. I hope we win it.