You collect a lot of spare parts in seven years of racing. (Not all of them are going with us.)
We met again this past weekend to finish work on the car, install bazooka spotlights courtesy of our sponsor Lifetime LED and install our secret weapon, to be announced later this week.
Bazooka spots from our fantastic sponsor Lifetime LED Lights. Thank you Ryan.
We also went through spare parts, deciding what we’ll be taking, what we’ll be storing and what we can get rid of. That was cathartic.
Chuck Gianni working out logistics.
We signed up with Mag 7 pits, opting for their full service. They’ll be handling fuel for us. Chuck mapped out our fueling and driver / co-driver swap out strategy.
Jenn Frederick programs all our numbers into the Iridium Extreme sat phones we’ll be using.
Communications is key to racing the 1000. Most teams go blind immediately after going off the start line and call Weatherman for updates on where their car is. We’ll be using satellite communications to keep chase trucks close to the race car and respond quickly if something happens. More to come on this.
Roxanne was kind enough to send me along with a crock pot of minestrone soup and tortelli, which we warmed on the utility shelf next to the fire extinguishers and cleaning solvents.