The quality of this photo is more befitting a Bigfoot sighting, but it is photographic proof that the BF Goodrich Nation of Go team stopped by for chili.
The Nation of Go team is traveling the country over 20 days connecting with race teams, tuners, custom car builders and everyone else who has a passion for cars. They made a detour to visit 1107, here in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Roxanne made a big pot of chili and we all hung out, talked cars and watched Shawn paint the bug. The rain didn’t matter.
They’ll pull into Bakersfield later tonight, do a quick shoot tomorrow and then south to L.A. From there points east. You can follow them on their blog, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and Twitter.
We run BFGs on 1107. Their folks in Baja take great care of racers. When you pull into a BFG pit, you can feel the love. In Baja, that’s important.