Desert Dingo Racing

Author: Jim

  • Nation of Go at Desert Dingo HQ

    The quality of this photo is more befitting a Bigfoot sighting, but it is photographic proof that the BF Goodrich Nation of Go team stopped by for chili.

    The Nation of Go team is traveling the country over 20 days connecting with race teams, tuners, custom car builders and everyone else who has a passion for cars. They made a detour to visit 1107, here in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Roxanne made a big pot of chili and we all hung out, talked cars and watched Shawn paint the bug. The rain didn’t matter.

    They’ll pull into Bakersfield later tonight, do a quick shoot tomorrow and then south to L.A. From there points east. You can follow them on their blog, FacebookYouTube, Flickr and Twitter.

    We run BFGs on 1107. Their folks in Baja take great care of racers. When you pull into a BFG pit, you can feel the love. In Baja, that’s important.

  • Painting 1107

    Shawn is about to paint his masterpiece.

    Today was Shawn’s day. Richard and I hooked up 1107 and towed it back to Creech’s place. While I stood around talking on the phone, Shawn turned a small garage into a paint booth, painted four fenders and then set to work on 1107’s body.

    Creech’s next door neighbor Shep saved our bacon by allowing us to plug the air compressor into one of his outlets, and, when we kept tripping the circuit breaker, brought over an extension cord that could probably power a Space Shuttle launch. (Prior to all this, we’d recharge the compressor in Creech’s main garage, drag it through the gravel down to the makeshift paint booth, Shawn would paint as much as he could and then I’d drag it back up the driveway to recharge it. Ghetto.

    It was too dark (and it was raining) for me to get any “after” photos, but safe to say 1107 is looking spiffy.

    Photos from today’s shoot here.

  • Stock Bug Challenge

    Sure the other classes have more horsepower, but we dominate when it comes to cool graphics.

    JR with STS Graphics has declared the SNORE 250 as the Stock Bug Challenge Cup II and has pulled together a couple grand worth of cash and prizes specifically for the Stock Bug class. The teams also chip in money for a class cash prize.  Already 10 cars signed up for the race. Should be a fun one.

    BFGoodrich has a team – Nation of Go –  traveling the country meeting up with racers, tuners and car fans in general. I came across them on Twitter and invited them down to Felton and they accepted. We’ll probably both be live-twittering the get together.

    One of the things we’ll be doing tomorrow is painting 1107 and possibly 1117. Both are sanded and ready to go. Richard’s coming by tomorrow and we’ll towbar them back to Creech’s and Shawn will  paint them there.

    This is the last photo of the unpainted cars, I swear!

  • Stripping 1117


    1117 before the last of the decals came off.

    And we’re back from Burning Man and getting 1107 and 1117 ready for paint, which could happen as early as this weekend. Between loads of laundry and washing the playa dust out of everything, I made time to pull the last of the decals off of 1117. Still needs a tremendous amount of sanding and other stuff, but at least it will look nice over the winter while we start building it up as a second race car.

    The countdown begins to the SNORE 250 October 2-4 in Vegas.