Desert Dingo Racing

Category: 2008 Baja 1000

  • Getting ready for a work day

    SCORE International patch

    Got my SCORE membership in the mail yesterday. Member card, patch, stickers, sa2006-2010 rules and regs book and a coupon for a t-shirt that I can pick up at the registration desk at the 1000. It’s like Christmas in September.

    Getting ready to head off for a work day on 1101. Will be twittering, since its best to keep me away from the power tools.

  • Baja 1000 diabetes drive-a-thon pledge page is live

    World Diabetes Day logo

    Once again for 2008 we’re conducting a drive-a-thon fundraiser in conjunction with the International Diabetes Federation and its program to raise awareness of diabetes in children and adolescents.

    100% of the money pledged to the drive-a-thon goes to the IDF’s education and awareness programs. Desert Dingo Racing raises money to support the team separately. If you can do a penny a mile, it helps.

    If you donate, shoot me an email at and I’ll write your name on the car (probably the inside of the roof).

    I’ll be working on a pledge button for the sidebar, but for now you can get to the pledge page by clicking here.

  • International Diabetes Federation cites Desert Dingo Racing in new press release On World Diabetes Day

    51 days until World Diabetes Day

    Bringing Diabetes to Light: International Diabetes Federation Encouraging Citizens to Raise Awareness and Protect Future Generations

    BRUSSELS, Belgium, September 24, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — Theme for 2008 World Diabetes Day – November 14 – is “Diabetes in Children and Adolescents”

    The International Diabetes Federation announced today that it is calling on groups and individuals worldwide to get involved in activities to raise awareness of diabetes in the 50 days leading up to World Diabetes Day on November 14. The theme for this year’s campaign is “Diabetes in Children and Adolescents.”

    Read the entire press release here.

  • I’m going to walk this part

    Found this video on Baja Racing News. I’ll be walking this part of the course. Or someone else can drive this section.