Desert Dingo Racing

Category: 2008 San Felipe 250

  • Tony Tellier, oddsmaker, is dead to me

    The team is working on bump stops today. Richard is putting the finishing touches on the adjustable seat rails. Shawn is rebadging the car 1101. Bob dropped off a spare rim that I’ll get over to Skip’s for the final spare. Here’s the schedule for next week, courtesy of logistics impresario Seth:

    FRIDAY, 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM: Registration will be at the Banditos Bar and Grill, across from Tourism Office, on Mar de Cortez Ave.

    FRIDAY 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM: Contingency Row

    FRIDAY 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Tech Inspection at the end of Contingency Row.

    SATURDAY 6:00 AM: M/C and ATV Start (30 sec. gaps)

    SATURDAY 10:00 AM: 4 wheel vehicles start (30 sec. gaps)

    We are in starting position 148 (approx) for 4 wheel vehicles, which means we will start our race at approx. 11:14AM, and will have until 11:14 PM to finish.

    OK, this doesn’t have anyting to do with Baja, but it’s a great NASCAR commercial. Going to have to find a diecast VW.

  • Live tracking at the 250

    SCORE switched to a new tracking company (we never got our GPS data for the 1000 from the last one). International Racing Consultants has a more advanced unit.

    “The IriTrack® System monitors your vehicle location and speed automatically, sending an alert to the Control Center if the vehicle stops, takes a big hit or experiences an inclination . The onboard computer records information every 5 seconds and sends your information to the IRC Control Center every 120 seconds via the Iridium Satellite Data Modem. You don’t have to do anything to make it happen. Just hook it up to the vehicle battery and IriTrack® does the rest.

    Additionally, the IriTrack® System allows the driver/passenger of the vehicle to send manually two different types of alerts to IRC Control. Pushing the Green Button once will immediately inform Control Center that at the GPS point at which the button was pressed exists another competitor experiencing an emergency or that there is a possible course hazard at that GPS point. Alternatively, push the Red Button and notify IRC Control that you require Emergency Assistance immediately.”

    Let’s hope we never need to push the red button.

    I’ll post when we figure out how to track 1101 via the web during the race.

  • We’re No. 1 (for the San Felipe 250, anyway)

    Unless the other teams know something we don’t, we opted to go for a front start at the San Felipe 250. We’d gone for a rear start at the 1000, and all it meant is that we started fourth. SCORE released the current placement yesterday. We’ll be rebadging 1146 as 1101.

  • Tecate 250 or Bust!

    We’ve registered for the San Felipe 250 and the car is being modified from everything we learned from the 1000.

    Bugformance has really come through for us and we’re adding their logo to 1146. Today we worked on the bump stops, Bob put together a new cover for our fueling tube and added adjustable screws to the lights. Skid and Cary worked on the headers. Shawn sanded down the chromoly roll cage and wiped it down with WD40.

    We’ve prioritized what we need to accomplish in advance of the 250. A sheet of paper. Action items are being crossed off. I expect we’ll arrive in San Felipe with a car ready to race.

    We put our deposit on the race and this time requested a front start.

    Photos from today’s work here.

  • Work starts to prep for San Felipe 250

    Work starts to prep 1146 for the San Felipe 250. Bilstein really came through for us, remanufacturing our shocks to Baja racing specs. Scott, Richard, Seth and Skid will be driving this race.

    Photos from the work day here.