Desert Dingo Racing

Category: 2009 Baja 1000

  • Up all night

    Crusty and Richard under the car, finishing engine installation.

    A full day of running around for parts, working on the car and getting our secret weapon configured. We’re close to getting the car buttoned up. Contingency and Tech are tomorrow. Still need to get the IRC unit. Finish configuring the secret weapon, secure fuel, get registered. Typical day.

    Almost time to hit the jacuzzi.

    Some shots from today’s work (I just heard them fire up the engine.)

  • If this is the worst that happens, we should be fine

    Skid works on something on the car.

    A quick update. Driving down we blew an engine in Crusty’s pickup. Lefty and TPR rode in like the calvary the following morning with coffee, hooked up 1104 and the trailer and got us down to Orange County. After a quick reconnoiter, we headed down to the Wal-Mart in Chula Vista, were eventually joined by Chase 2 towing 1104. From there we caravanned down to Ensenada and the Estero Beach RV park where we are now.

    Some shots of Monday and Tuesday’s adventure.

  • Countdown to departure for the Baja 1000

    We (ok, Richard), needed to modify our light bar to accommodate the bigger TrailGlow HID lights we’ll be running for the first time at the Baja 1000.

    Among other things we accomplished yesterday: Modified the light bar to accommodate the larger TrailGlow HIDs, fabbed two rear view mirror nerf bars, installed a smaller fisheye rear view mirror in the car, chased down a short circuit in the electrical system, tweaked the rear skid plate to make it go in easier, hammered out and painted a new passenger front fender, organized the tool bags and spare parts bins, futzed with the GPS unit and eventually loaded the low-res SCORE GPS data in it, ate Roxanne’s pound cake, wired the pit signs, welded up the spare front end.

    Today, more of the same. Tomorrow we head out.

    A handful of photos from Saturday’s work.

  • Baja 1000 pit sign wired

    My iPhone cannot do justice to the coolness of our TrailGlow pit sign.

    Our pit sign from TrailGlow is dialed. A ton of work on the car today. We start buttoning up tomorrow. Loads of photos.

  • Looking for something to do for World Diabetes Day?

    Yep, that’s us on the World Diabetes Day official campaign news page.

    If you’re looking for something to do to mark World Diabetes Day, might I suggest helping us out with some of our projects, that we’re doing in conjunction with the International Diabetes Federation and World Diabetes Day:

    And, before you do any of that, you must watch this video “All the Diabetics” by Suga Sheen: