Desert Dingo Racing

Category: 2009 Baja 1000

  • Shots from the SNORE 250

    You don’t know fear until an 850 horsepower Class 1 plows to a stop 20 feet from you so the driver can adjust his helmet.

    Playing catchup. Photos from last weekend’s SNORE South Point 250. We’re still third in class and 24th overall (out of 316). Not bad for our first full season of racing.

    Dan, who is transporting 1107 to Kenmore, NY, where it will be picked up by another driver for final transport to the Montreal Convention Center, called and said he’s in Salt Lake City and bound for Wyoming. Richard and I will meet 1107 in front of the convention center some time between 7 and 8 a.m. on October 16 and drive it through the front doors. Then we’ll have a day to prep it for the World Diabetes Congress.

    Photos from the 250 here.

    And for the hard core offroad geeks out there, here is a 360 degree view of Checkpoint 1 at sunrise.

  • Watch as we nearly shear the light bar off 1107

    Missed it by that much.

    Or, as A.J. just schooled me: “Measure twice, load once.”

    Dan with Jax Trucking pulled into Felton on Tuesday to pick up 1107 for the trip to Kenmore, NY where the car will be dropped off and then picked up by a Canadian transport company for the final leg to the Montreal Convention Center, where Richard and I will meet it sometime between 7 and 8 a.m. on October 16.

    The hauler already had a custom Charger, a Bentley, a Porsche and a spotless 70’s era Trans Am, so we were in good company.

    I’ll be putting on the rest of the sponsor decals when we’re in Montreal and it will be all spiffy for the World Diabetes Congress.

    Photos tonight.

  • Unofficially fifth at the SNORE 250

    Rounding the curve at Checkpoint 1…

    One flat, but otherwise things went well. Unofficially fifth. Likely still third in class with one more race to go (two if you count the Baja 1000). More photos tomorrow, this place is charging us $11.99 a day for the internets.

  • Under pressure

    For once we have a piece of equipment that performs too well.

    Our ignition problems were caused by an electronic fuel pump with an over-developed sense of self. The team installed a fuel pressure regulator and will dial it in this week.

    Crusty has started welding 3/8s inch rod into the rims. This should reduce the number of dented rims and flats we’ve endured in previous races. Crusty has done most of the wiring for the TrailGlow lighted number panels.We’ll run those at the SNORE 250 at Primm, bring the car back, touch up the paint, add all the decals and ship it to Montreal for the World Diabetes Congress.

    Driver/Co-driver plans for the SNORE 250 are Richard and Crusty and Scott and Carrie. Roxanne and I will staff a checkpoint or road crossing for the bonus 25 team points.

    A handful of shots from today are here.

  • World Diabetes Congress – we’ll be there

    Richard will be our booth babe.

    The International Diabetes Federation sent us their artist’s concept of our booth space for the World Diabetes Congress in Montreal Oct. 16-22. Except that the car will be white, it’s all good. Lots of paperwork to fill out. And we’ll lose a few of the stantions during business hours.

    Here’s what it looks like when you’re leaving the conference…