Desert Dingo Racing

Category: 2007 Baja 1000

  • Desert Dingo Racing featured in Gearbox Magazine

    Get a haircut, hippie

    Someone needs a haircut.

    Gearbox Magazine editor Brian Driggs got it in his head that it might be interesting to do a piece on Desert Dingo Racing. We bounced emails back and forth and this is the result. I love my Stig shirt.

    Desert Dingo: A True Story of “Dust to Glory”

    For those who haven’t seen it yet, “Dust to Glory” is an epic movie about what it takes to run the Baja 1000 in Mexico. There probably isn’t a gearhead on the planet who hasn’t watched that flick and thought, “OMG. I wanna do that.” Jim Graham is one such gearhead, and OMG. He actually went out and did that.

    Read the rest of the story…

  • Desert Dingo Racing in Discovery Channel Magazine

    Discovery Channel Asia Magazine story on Baja Racers

    Ok, it’s only one quote in a tremendously cool article written by Judy Smith, a veteran Baja racer and longtime writer for Hot VWs. A good number of the photos were shot by Trackside Photo, which got the great shot of us catching air at last year’s Baja 1000. They even mentioned our fundraising for World Diabetes Day. Click here or on the image to download a PDF of the article.

  • Baja 1000 for the xBox

    A videogame company is releasing a Baja race game in August. The trailer uses footage from Dust to Glory. It appears to be mostly trophy trucks, truggys and Baja Bugs. Let’s hope they have a Class 11 as an Easter egg or bonus vehicle.

    We were doing canyon jumps every five minutes.
    We must have done seven canyon jumps in the first 86 miles of the 2007 Baja 1000.

  • Nice note from the folks at dLife

    The dLife TV team was kind enough to send us copies of the segment they did on Desert Dingo Racing and included a nice note:

    Thank you for being part of dLife TV. We enjoyed working with you – and learning about all that is involved in the Baja Desert Dingo race. Your story is sure to inspire the millions of people living with diabetes. Enclosed is a copy of the episode with your story. Hope you enjoy it with family and friends!

  • Glimpse of 1146 in VW TV commercial

    1146 appears for a split second at the start of a VW commercial promoting their new motorsports program, which includes something like $100k in contingency prizes in 2008. You can see the commercial here.