Desert Dingo Racing

Category: 2007 Baja 1000

  • Christmas in San Jose

    Carrie displays the latest in dashboard technology.

    Rich delivered boxes from 4 Wheel Parts. Three 3,000 candle-power driving lights, an air horn that had everyone diving for cover and assorted electronics to get us through the desert.

    We’re at two weeks and counting. Rich and Crusty trailer the car to SoCal on Monday for tech inspection.

    Jeff joins us and jumps in.

    Photos from today’s work here.

  • Radios are ordered

    I ordered our race and chase car radios from “Radio Bob” with RLH Communications today just before we met for our logistics meeting. Eric Solorzano recommended I give him a call.

    We talked for quite a while, and only a little about the radios we’ll need for the race. The majority of time was about the community of racers in Baja and how everyone watches out for each other.

    As we wrapped up the phone call, he asked me to pass along his well wishes to the team and asked me to tell them “Be safe. I’d rather talk with you than about you.”

  • A cornucopia of photos from Mike

    I’m not seeing room for the 8-track

    Skid has been shooting photos over the past week. Some great shots in this gallery. Check it out.

  • We opt to postpone driving down for tech inspection

    We’ve opted to postpone trailering 1146 down to SoCal for tech inspection until early next week because of the fires in the area. That being the case, we just shifted the work schedule to focus on installing the dash and instrumentation, complete work on the rear suspension, install the engine and possibly paint the car before it heads southbound.

    4 Wheel Parts has generously donated night driving lights, a light bar switch panel, horn and roll cage padding. Greg, thank you very much.

    I also wanted to take a moment to thank all the bloggers who’ve written in support of us, including Khürt Williams of Honey Sweet, Scott of Scott’s Diabetes Journal, Allison of Lemonade Life and Rachel of Tales of My Thirties. You all rock.

    I’ll be taking our two spare rims down to Skip’s Tires today to have Kevin and his team fit the race tires on ’em.